Study Area Source: Google Maps, Accessed April 9, 2011
Soil Pits Along Gradient Wetland Drumlin Source: Google Maps, Accessed April 9, 2011
Topographic Map Source: University of Connecticut, Map & Geographic Information Center, CT USGS Topographic Map Collections, accessed at 4/1/ m
Source: Topo map with soil pit locations provided by Yale School Forest Manager. Source unknown. Pit 1 Pit 2
Soil Pit #1: Mesic, Forested Site
Soil Pit 1: Mesic, Forested Site Oe 0-2 cm A 2-9 cm AB 9-30 cm Bw cm Bw cm C63-90 cm
Oe A AB Bw1 Bw2 C Soil Pit 1: Mesic, Forested Site
Boun daryStructure Consist.Redoximorphic Features Horizon Lower DepthDist.Texture Coarse Frag. % Dominant ColorGradeShapeMoist Concen Y/N/R 1 Deplet. Y/N/R Matrix Y/N/R Oe2 cmaom10YR 2/2wknn A9 cmcsl510YR 3/4wkgvfrnnn AB30 cmgsl1010YR 3/6wkgvfrnnn Bw150 cmgsl157.5 YR 4/4wksbkvfrn nn Bw263 cmcsl1510YR 4/6wksbkvfrnnn C90 cmcls202.5YR 4/6slsgfrnnn
Infiltration Rate: High Hydraulic Conductivity: High Available Water: Low Seasonal HWT: >100 cm Position: Drainageway Parent Material: Glacial Slope: Nearly Level 0-2% Surface Runoff: Very slow Erosion Potential: Very low Basement: slight limitations Septic: slight limitations Local roads: slight limitations Charlton Series Inceptisol Ochric epipedon Cambic subhorizon Well drained, dense glacial till Unsorted, heterogeneous particle mixture Very rocky Prior use likely pasture Soil Pit 1: Mesic, Forested Site
Pit 2: Top Edge of Drumlin
Soil Pit 2: Top Edge of Drumlin Ap cm Bw cm Ap cm Cd cm Bw cm Bw cm
Soil Pit 2: Top Edge of Drumlin
Pit 2: Top Edge of Drumlin Bou nda ryStructure Consist. Redoximorphic Features Horizon Lower Depth Dis t. Textur e Coarse Frag % Dominant ColorGradeShapeMoist Concen Y/N/R 1 Deplet. Y/N/R Matrix Y/N/RCutans Ap117 cmgsl510YR 3/2modgfrnnn Ap240 cmcl510YR 3/2modgfrnnn Bw160 cmgsl1010YR 3/4wkgfrnnn Bw272 cmgsl1010YR 3/4wksbkfrynnSome masses of 10YR 5/6 Bw390 cmgsl1510 YR 3/4wksbkfrnnn Cd120 cm csl152.5 YR 4/3wksbkfirmnnn
Woodbridge Series Inceptisol Umbric epipedon Cambic subhorizon Drumlin: thick deposits of dense glacial till formed into smoothed elongated hills Till similar to underlying bedrock, derived from schist and granite Prior land use likely crops Pit 2: Top Edge of Drumlin Infiltration Rate: Moderate Hydraulic Conductivity: Mod Available Water: Low Seasonal HWT: 50 - <100 cm Position: Upland Parent Material: Glacial Slope: 2-6% Surface runoff: Medium Erosion potential: Medium Basement: Moderate limitations Septic: Severe limitations Roads: Slight limitations