According to the CDC, in 2009 Among young adults ages 15 to 24 years old, there are approximately attempts for every completed suicide. 3 Suicide is the third leading cause of death among 15- to 24-year olds. Males take their own lives at nearly four times the rate of females and represent 78.8% of all U.S. suicides. 13.8% of students in grades 9-12 seriously considered suicide in the previous 12 months (17.4% of females and 10.5% of males)
Identification of at-risk students Refer student to campus counselors
Can be noted as sudden changes in behavior May be seen as a recent onset and increasing amounts of: Behavioral referrals Peer or familial conflict Isolation Decline in grades or participation in class Absenteeism or truancy Constant or excessive worrying Noticeable changes in physical appearance (weight, grooming)
Talking or joking about suicide Saying things like, “I’d be better off dead” or “There’s no way out” Isolation Signs of depression – helplessness or hopelessness Recent trauma Giving away prized possessions Previous attempts
Trauma or abuse Death or loss Break-up Alcohol or drug abuse Problems with job, family, school
Do: Offer support Be gentle but persistent Listen Validate feelings – their pain is real
Don’t: Ask a lot of questions or ask why Argue with the student about their decision Act shocked Promise confidentiality – *get help immediately*
Talk to your student about seeing the counselor Let the counselor know about your student *If a student is exhibiting suicidal behaviors or thoughts of suicide, please escort the student to the counselors office.*
The counselor will: 1. Contact the parent 2. Have the parent sign the suicide outcry form 3. Give the parent a list of resources with phone numbers. 4. Release the student to the parent 5. Campus counselor and/or crisis counselor will follow up with student and parent as needed.
Continually follow up with your students after a referral to the counselor or after a suicide outcry Make sure you have accurate contact information for parents
Ron Moss – Priscilla De La Rosa – Heather Mason – Campus Security –
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