Handbook for Analysis Packet Annotation Activities For each Reading Section: 1.Define key vocabulary with context. 2. Ask at least 2 how or why questions? 3. Answer the 2 required questions. 4. State the main ideas of the entire section in a complete thought. 5. Add examples from the text or your own experience. **Remember for each page or your handbook, you will have annotations that relate to the above 4 steps.
Title page: What is Analysis and How does it Work? 1.Key terms: means, rarefied, province, consciously 2. How and Why ?(2) Why is analysis the most common of our mental activities? How does analysis help individuals in day to day life? 3. Answer questions 4. Main idea of paragraph: be aware, build on skills, eliminate bad habits in regards to thinking.
Page 1 Move # 1 Suspend Judgment 1. Key terms: suspending judgment, habitual, evaluate, reflex, substantiate. 2. Why do people come to rush judgements? How does reflexive thinking impact a person’s analysis? What is the problem with leaping to judgments? 3. Answer questions. At least Main idea: Striving to understand and learn about the experience requires deep thinking and analysis.
Move # 2 Define: Significant Parts and How They’re Related– Page 2 1. Key vocabulary: subject, defining parts, significance, Example: Large dog A. dragging a leash B. red scarf, C. ball in his mouth 2. What is the nature of this dog? Example: women with 3 noses A. not realistic B. unique perspective 2. What art movement motivates this painting? Example: Football game 2. What is the significance of the offensive line in the football game and how did it impact the outcome? 4.The key is to move from generalizations to analysis-Move from large components to key components and characteristics. The key to this move “locate the life of the subject and its accompanied ideas.
Move 3: Make the Implicit Explicit Page 3 We want readers to read “between the lines”- We want readers to strive to understand the subtext. 1.Vocabulary: implicit, explicit, making inferences, implications, inference, ** You infer what the subject implies!!! 2. Why does the billboard advertising beer have scantily clad men and women pushing kayaks while drinking beer? What are the implications? What inference can you make? What does this advertisement mean? 3. Answer questions 4. If you want to understand the nature of your subject be sure to infer what the ad implies. In other words, read between the lines to get at the core of the subject.
Page 4 “ Move # 4” Look For Patterns ** How do you know what parts or implications are important when trying to analyze? Look for patterns of repetition or resemblance Look for organizing contrasts Look for anomalies ( unusual things that don’t seem to fit.) 1. Vocabulary: resemblance, anomalies, deviation, evaluative, Thesis, 2. Why did the Phillies have their star player read a scholarly novel? 3. How is the City Mouse going to differ from a Country Mouse? 4. To determine subjects and topics in literature, readers should look for patterns that “emphasize” which will allow for analytical thinking to be developed.
Page 5: Move # 5 “Move # 5 “Reformulating questions and explanations”(Page5) 1. “Reformulating” Special note: Write all the questions listed in the reading. 2.Why will your handbook be significant when you start reading literature in English 10? 2.How will your handbook help you when you write analytical essays in this class? 4. The main idea of this section is to always ask questions and keep asking questions!!!