Submitted By Navneet Bhalodiya Internal Guide : Ms. Hetal Thaker External Guide : Mr. Priyank Kakadiya
Company Overview Project ProfileSystem Requirements System analysis System DesignImplementationTestingProposed Extension
Capital Novus has provided high quality technology services to the legal community since 2002.Our clients are law firms, corporations and government agencies involved in complex litigation, regulatory matters and investigations. We assist them with efficient, cost-effective solutions to the challenge of managing electronically stored information. Our services include: E-discovery Processing eZReview® Web Hosting Computer Forensics and Investigations Data Collection Data Recovery E-Discovery Consulting Custom Application Development
Project TitleResume Management System Developed ForLogical Software Solutions Type of ApplicationDesktop Application Front –End ToolC#, WPF Back –End ToolSQL Server 2012 IDE UsedVisual Studio 2010 Project Duration16 th December to 30 th April (135 days) Internal GuideMs. Hetal Thaker External GuideMr. Priyank Kakadiya Submitted ByNavneet Bhalodiya Submitted ToAtmiya Institute of Technology & Science, Rajkot Tools & TechnologyC# 4.0, MS SQL Server 2012, Infragistics 13.1, WPF, Solr
Hardware Requirements : Processor TypeIntel Pentium –IV and Compatible Processor Speed2.20 GHz Memory1 GB Storage20 GB HDD OSWindows Vista or Higher Software Requirements : TechnologyIntel Pentium –IV and Compatible Framework2.20 GHz Tools1 GB Back-End20 GB HDD Support ToolsWindows Vista or Higher Third Party Tools Infragistics tools, Solr, DSO, Newtonsoft
About Existing System Scope of Proposed System Limitation of Proposed System Static ViewDynamic View
Company manages the resumes in manually in excel sheet. The scope of project is base in initial planning of project and goal behind this project is to maintain recruitment data in proper way and reduce efforts to maintain resumes in our old traditional way. This project contains task related each module and each task is base on requirement so analysis of project is more important factor.
Microsoft word dependency. Only that person who knows “Resume Management” process can use this system. Predefine solr core required. Solr search server required in integration with tomcat for indexing and searching.
Sequence Diagram Activity Diagram Class Diagram
Project Name :Resume Management Test Case Id: TST_01 Module Name: Login Test Title: Determining results of login Description: Test Module for logging event Pre-Conditions: Authenticated user must be created before login. StepTest StepsExpected ResultActual ResultStatus(Pass/Fail) 1Load Login WindowSystem will authenticate the user Denied access of the system to unauthorized user. And authorized user access the system Pass
Project Name : Resume Management Test Case Id: TST_02 Module Name: Upload document Test Title: Determining status of document upload Description: Test Module for document upload Pre-Conditions: User must have admin rights to access the system Dependencies: Document must be in.doc or.docx file StepTest StepsExpected ResultActual Result Status (Pass/Fail) 1Select Admin tab Various tabs related to the admin operations will displayed Admin tab control loads all the necessary tabs Pass 2Select the upload menu for upload the document in Manage Resume section By clicking upload button we will get status of successful operation Document is uploadedPass
Project Name : Resume Management Test Case Id: TST_03 Module Name: Indexer Test Title: Verify indexes created on document or not Description: Test module for Indexer Pre-Conditions: Indexing is only possible on Text Data Dependencies: Predefine solr core must be created for indexing StepTest StepsExpected ResultActual ResultStatus(Pass/Fail) 1Load upload WindowSend document for indexing after uploading the document and update the index status indexing performed successfully Pass
Project Name : Resume Management Test Case Id: TST_04 Module Name: Searcher Test Title: Determine results of searches Description: Test module for Searcher Pre-Conditions: Searching is only possible on index file Dependencies: Index file must be generated to perform search StepTest StepsExpected ResultActual ResultStatus(Pass/Fail) 1Load search user control Enter search term and preferences will be generated Preferences generatedPass 2Perform search on preference term Retrive collection of the documents of matched search term Document collection retrived and DataGrid filled Pass
Supports the other extension like.pdf. Add the scheduling functionality. Automation through text extraction when uploading document. The project can be expand as per the need of the company.