“What are the Origins of Extraordinary Evil?” Friday, March 5 th, 9:00-10:00AM Dr. James Waller Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation
General Principle Political, social, or religious groups wanting to commit mass murder do. Though there may be other obstacles, genocidal regimes are never hindered by a lack of willing executioners. They can always recruit individual human beings who will kill other human beings in large numbers and over an extended period of time. German soldiers of the Waffen-SS and the Reich Labor Service look on as a member of an Einsatzgruppen prepares to shoot a Ukrainian Jew kneeling on the edge of a mass grave (Ukraine, ).
Research Questions How many people does it take to carry out genocide and mass killing? Who are these people and how are they enlisted to perpetrate such extraordinary evil? Men with an unidentified unit execute a group of Soviet civilians kneeling by the side of a mass grave (Kraigonev, USSR, 1941). The Interahamwe (Kinyarwanda meaning Those Who Stand Together or Those Who Fight Together) was the most important of the militias formed by the Hutu ethnic majority of Rwanda.
What are the arguments for the extraordinary origins of extraordinary human evil? Extraordinary Origins of Extraordinary Human Evil found in… Extraordinary Nature of the Collective Gustav LeBon Reinhold Niebuhr M. Scott Peck Nature of an Extraordinary Ideology Daniel Jonah Goldhagen Nature of Extraordinary Individuals “Mad Nazi” Psychopathology “Bad Nazi” Personality
s: The “Mad Nazi” Thesis Nuremberg Trials (November 20, October 1, 1946) 22 Nazi Leaders Douglas M. Kelley (Psychiatrist) and Gustave Gilbert (Psychologist) IQ Testing Rorschach Testing Copenhagen War Crimes Trials (1946) The defendants at the International Military Tribunal trial of war criminals at Nuremberg ( ).
s: The “Bad Nazi” Thesis Psychological Foundations of the Wehrmacht (1944) –Henry V. Dicks –“High F (Fanatical) Syndrome” The Authoritarian Personality (1950) –Adorno, Frenkel-Brunswik, Levinson, and Sanford –
What are the arguments for the ordinary origins of extraordinary human evil? Ordinary Origins of Extraordinary Evil found in Ordinary Individuals Divided Self Theories Agentic State Stanley Milgram Doubling Robert Jay Lifton Unitary Self Theories Waller
Obedience to Authority Experiments ( ) “I must conclude that Arendt’s conception of the banality of evil comes closer to the truth than one might dare to imagine…That is, perhaps, the most fundamental lesson of our study: ordinary people, simply doing their jobs, and without any particular hostility on their part, can become agents in a terrible destructive process.” –Obedience to Authority (1974), p. 175
Robert Jay Lifton (b. 1926) Doubling = “…the division of the self into two functioning wholes, so that a part-self acts as an entire self.” –The Nazi Doctors (1986, p. 418).