Take your K W L paper and fill out the first section with WHAT YOU KNOW about global warming. Then fill out the second section with what your WANT TO KNOW about global warming Be ready to discuss your answers.
W HAT ’ S BEEN HAPPENING …. Glaciers Air temps have risen.3 to.6 degrees C over the last 100 years Causes rising sea levels Coral bleaching Most specialists predict that unless some drastic changes happen - global temps will increase 1 to 3.5 C. So What? The period called the “little ice age” (1500 to 1800) occurred when temps were only.5 degrees cooler than in 1900.
Climate Choice peratures.html peratures.html
11th hour video
What do you see as today’s most urgent environmental crisis? Where have you gotten information about about environmental issues? Do you think the mainstream media present environmental issues clearly and accurately? What actions have you taken to conserve and preserve the earth’s resourcees? In assessing your skills as an advocate for something you care about, what do you see as your strengths?