LO: I will know about the hypothetical and categorical imperatives Hmk: Part a essay question ‘Give an account of Kant’s theory of ethics’ (25)
Write down three questions from what we’ve covered so far with Kant to ask someone else in the class. It has to be three things which you already know the answer to!
“All imperatives command either hypothetically or categorically … If the action would be good simply as a means to something else, then the imperative is hypothetical, but if the action is represented as a good in itself … then the imperative is categorical.” Kant
Read the article by Chris Falzon and answer the following: 1. For Kant, duties are rational laws. What does this mean? 2. How do we rationally determine the moral principles that we ought to follow? 3. What is the categorical imperative (first formulation)? 4. How might a deontological approach be better than one that is consequentialist? 5. Kant’s approach provides a way of affirming the value of the individual, in a way that utilitarianism cannot do. What does this mean and how does this link to the second formulation of the categorical imperative? 6. What is the third formulation of the categorical imperative?
Can you construct a mind map, giving an overview of everything covered with Kant so far. This can be used to help write your essay for homework. An example: ges/mindmaps/kant.pdf ges/mindmaps/kant.pdf ◦ Phenomenal and Noumenal ◦ Pure and Practical Reasoning ◦ Good will ◦ Duty for duties sake ◦ Hypothetical and Categorical imperatives ◦ Three formulations of the Categorical Imperatives