Membership, Public-Relations Workshop October 2, 2010 District 6040 Jeff Romine, Governor
What is your club known for in the community?
How can you publicize what your club is known for?
How can you use what your club is known for to increase membership?
Recognition of those who share the gift of Rotary with new members President of club with largest percent increase in members at end of each quarter may select an individual to be a Paul Harris Fellow First award based on Sept 30 membership, compared to July 1 with new communities President of club that leads the chartering of a new club may either: – 1. Select three individuals to be Paul Harris Fellows, OR – 2. Choose a cash award of $1,000 for the club’s service or fundraising project.
Kay – Sandra – Duane – QUESTIONS? Any time, any way, let Kay, Sandra or Duane know how they can help you.
Get organized who what when where why how
R ecruit Presidential Citation for asks: ❑ Has your club adopted and used a valid membership recruitment plan, such as the Five for One plan? (5 points)
Member recruitment plan In response to RI President Ray Klinginsmith’s challenge, the Rotary Club of __________ hereby adopts and implements a member recruitment plan: the “Five for One” plan. The President, consulting with the Membership chair, shall appoint as members of the membership committee one of every five Rotarians in the club. Each committee member shall serve as the leader of a team of five. The other four members shall be appointed by the President, Membership chair, or randomly assigned (choose one). Thus, our club will have ___ teams. Each team will have a goal to recruit at least one new member during the Rotary year (July-June). At the discretion of the President and Membership chair, after consulting with the Board, a contest between the teams may be organized during the Rotary year (July- June). Adopted this ___day of ______, 2010, by the Board of Directors of the Rotary Club of _________________. ___________________Attest: ___________________ PresidentSecretary
Two videos on ( also on YouTube) to introduce Rotary This is Rotary under “About Us” tab 4 minutes long “doing good in the world” theme Why Rotary Under “About Use” tab, then “Joining Rotary” 4 minutes long members’ perspectives on all Rotary does
O rient and mentor Presidential Citation for asks: ❑ Has your club developed and used an effective membership retention plan, such as the STAR program for the mentoring of new members? (5 points)
W e-retention Presidential Citation for asks: ❑ Are the regular meetings of your club consistently marked by both great fellowship and stimulating programs? (5 points) ❑ Does your club regularly send a weekly newsletter to all club members, either electronically or by postal mail? (5 points) ❑ Has your club developed and maintained a club Website on the Internet outlining its membership, programs, projects, and achievements? (5 points)
A Plan for orientation/mentoring 1. President appoints Membership chair. 2. Chair holds information session with new member. (Mentor should be present at information session.) 3. President performs induction ceremony at club meeting. 4. Mentor, appointed by President, assists new member for first few months.
Orientation information session “off the shelf” A 25-slide session is on the district website. “Membership and club support”, then “Orientation in PDF format.” Detailed text is the next entry on website. “Rotarian Orientation – Slide Notes.” District website also has “Prospective and Current Member Interest Finder.”
I NDUCTION C EREMONY The district website has eight different induction ceremonies, word-for word. “Membership and club support”, then “Rotary Induction materials.” Make it special!
Bonus! – Vocational Service points Presidential Citation for asks: ❑ Does your club routinely provide a copy of The Four-Way Test and the Declaration of Rotarians in Businesses and Professions to all new club members as they join the club? (5 points)
___________ Rotary Club New Member Service Orientation Name_____________________________ Mentor ____________________________ Attend New Member information session ________________(Mentor) Attend 3 meetings per month for 3 months ________________(Mentor) Attend another Rotary Club with mentor, sponsor or another member, and receive 1 month credit for attendance goal _______________(Mentor) Date Mentor Serve as Greeter four times ________ ____________ ________ ____________ ________ _____________ ________ _____________ Participate in club activity or social ________ ___________________ Join one committee: _____________________ ________ ____________________ Give a vocational talk ________ ____________________ Invite one prospective member, guest, or family member to a club meeting ________ ___________________ Rotarian’s Signature ____________________________________________________ Mentor’s Signature _____________________________________________________ Upon completion, turn in to the Membership Chair.
Sustain the growth Presidential Citation for asks: ❑ Has your club sponsored a new Rotary club that has been chartered within the past 12 months? (5 points) ❑ Did your club achieve a net gain of at least one member between 1 July 2010 and 1 January 2011 as shown on the club’s semiannual reports to RI? (5 points)
Rotary documents Club Membership manual 226b_en.pdf Membership Development Resource guide 417en.pdf