ROTARY CLUB CENTRAL District 5000 District Assembly 2015
District Secretary - Kim Fujiuchi RC of Downtown Honolulu Mobile: (808) KEEP THIS HANDY!
Introduction to Rotary Club CentralEntering GoalsDistrict-level FeaturesQuestions
District-level Features One-stop shop Eliminates paper forms Fosters continuity in leadership Enable clubs to track their progress Creates transparency Showcases the important work that Rotary clubs do worldwide What’s in it for clubs?
District-level Features What’s in it for clubs? DG Citation: Membership, Service Project and Foundation Goals input in RCC by 7/31/15. Presidential Citation: By 4/1/16: enter 5 goals in RCC, 50% of members registered in My Rotary, post at least one initiative on Showcase, update RCC for attending grants seminar, project participation/partnerships and public image use of new visual identity guidelines.
Click on “My Rotary” to get to the Sign in/Register page.
Sign in with your address and password. Login password maybe different from District’s website password.
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Three sections: Membership, Service Projects, Foundation
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John Q. Rotarian District: 0000 | Club: Your Club
791 USD Annual Fund Polio Plus Major Gifts and Benefactors Foundation
John Q. Rotarian
District Totals
International Totals
Introduction to Rotary Club Central Entering Goals District-level Features Questions
CLUB LEVEL President Secretary Treasurer Foundation Chair Membership Chair Executive Secretary DISTRICT LEVEL District Governor *Assistant Governors Committee Chairs Executive Secretary Officers/Chairs can only input/edit goals in their year Who can enter goals?
791 USD
Numeric Monetary (USD) Percentage % Yes / No
District Secretary - Kim Fujiuchi RC of Downtown Honolulu Mobile: (808) IN CASE YOU MISSED IT EARLIER
TITLE | 31 Questions?