Let AMD WEBADZ Help you leverage the power of online video to reach Your best customers in your local area!
1. Choose your audience: –Women; married/not married; with children; HH income, etc 2. Choose the geographic area your audience is located –The state of Missouri; Kansas City Metro; Overland Park, Ks; etc… 3. Choose websites that attract your audience –Parenting websites, Shopping websites, news websites, fitness websites, etc… How Pre-Roll works: We then place your commercial on over 18,000 Premium Content websites that your target audience is viewing in the designated geographic area.
Campaign Demo & Vertical Targets Target by Average Household Income Less than $50K per year Between $50K and $100K per year More than $100K per year Target by Home Ownership Reach Home Owners Reach Renters Target by Marital Status and Children % Married Couples no Children % Married Couples with Children % Single Parents with Children Target by Age Median Age % HH Aged under 25 years % HH Aged years % HH Aged years % HH Aged years % HH Aged 65 plus Arts & Entertainment AutomotiveAutomotive BusinessBusiness CareersCareers Hobbies & Interest Style & Fashion ShoppingShopping Health & Fitness Home & Garden Technology & Computing Family & Parenting PetsPets TravelTravel EducationEducation NewsNewsSportsSports Real Estate SocietySociety 1. 2.
AMD WEB-ADZ –A sample of the 18,000+ websites that are available
AMD WEBADZ Video Geo Targets Target by state, region, metro, or city 3 3 State Region MetroCity
Campaign Reporting Example Clients receive a monthly activity report