Ghana Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Benjamin A. Eshun Ghanaian Academic and Research Network (GARNET) Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence 28 th October 2015 GARNET is the NREN for Ghana National Research and Education Network A high performance national network connecting academic and research institutions the vital and core component of modern teaching, research and learning Legally registered in August 2010 as a Company Limited by Guarantee and as a Non-Profit Organization Volunteer based staff Several Workshops and training build campus networks (NMM, Virtualization, Campus Best Practices) Building Blocks of Research & Education Networks AFREN WACREN GARNET HE& Research Institutions Nature of NRENs Academic and research networking is now regarded as an essential national infrastructure (public good) comparable to roads, water and energy services due to its implications on learning, teaching, and research Education, cutting-edge research, science and technology are the key ingredients for sustainable social and economic development. ICTs underpin research and education and the creation of an innovative and life-long learning society, which possesses a community of scholars, researchers, engineers, technicians and firms engaged in production of high- technology goods and services. Building a strong education and research community is a cornerstone for prosperity, societal development, stability and regional integration Benefits of GARNET Primary Benefits Contribute to inter-institutional collaboration, research and human networking between universities in Ghana and to other international universities Create economy of scale for building and sharing high speed networks, expensive research equipment and other resources. Promote joint institutional content development, access to large databases and sharing of research results Promote distance learning and video conferencing and additional services for the entire education and research community Provide centralized training, capacity building and advisory services to their member institutions and others such as local secondary schools. Promote linkages between the academic and research community, industry, government and other international research and educational networks Benefits of GARNET Secondary Benefits Negotiate, on behalf of all participating institutions, favorable pricing for Internet access and software licenses Promote the interests of members through lobbying, conducting of awareness campaigns, providing timely communication and information, and through engagement with government, the public and the international community. Promote national, regional and international collaboration. Internet Governance and NRENs Freedom is not something that is comes naturally Because ICTs underpins R&E, Academic Freedom is no different. The almost unlimited freedom that the Internet seems to offer is under constant threat. Need to keep the Internet open, accessible and trustworthy. prerequisite for researchers, students, scholars and teachers all over the world Internet Governance and NRENs Should continue to ensure that the Internet remains open and supports innovation innovation is organized in a multitude of ways depending on whether we look at infrastructure, services, devices or apps. enables better research, more opportunities for education, more cross-disciplinary and cross-border cooperation in research project Current Plans of GARNET Negotiating with neutral datacenters for co-location space Acquire a Private Network Operators License Members 1 st encourage to meet requirements for interconnection GARNET provides assistance where there are shortfalls GARNET is part of the AfricaConnect2 via WACREN Up Coming Events National Workshop (one day): 6 th November 2015, at the University of Ghana, Legon the aim is to sensitize the local community in the activities of GARNET and WACREN and identify groups of researchers already organized or at least grouped according to thematic areas (health, environment, food security, etc.). Main objective is to build communities of practice. Questions? Thank You… Benjamin A. Eshun