Examples of Evangelism in the New Testament Evangelism 2015
First Century Evangelism The Great commission – Mark 16:15-16, Matt. 28:28-20 Luke 24: Timothy 2:2 Rom. 10:13-15 Acts 5:42 Acts 8:4 Philippians 1:14 Colossians 1:23 Evangelism 2015
Anna Luke 2:36-38 An elderly woman waiting to see the Messiah A devoted life of telling others Age and gender should not stop us Use the abilities we have Speak of redemption Rom. 3:24 Evangelism 2015
Andrew John 1:35-41 He found his brother Simon (Peter) He first found Jesus himself He “first” found Peter He cared about his brother and could go to him Andrew also mentioned John 6:8, 12:22 Evangelism 2015
Philip, the apostle John 1:43-48 Like Andrew, Philip found Nathanael and brought him to Jesus He was alert of others seeking the truth Evangelism 2015
Philip, the servant Acts 8 He goes to Samaria ( 8:5-13 ) Sent to the Eunuch ( 8:26-40 ) Facing rejection, he moves to other subjects Willing to teach many at one time He obeys God’s commands Evangelism 2015
Philip, the servant Willing to go to great lengths No respecter of persons He sees urgency in the task at hand His method with the Eunuch - Breaking the ice - He had enough knowledge - He preached Jesus - He sought further opportunity Evangelism 2015
Aquila and Priscilla Acts 18:1-4 A source of encouragement for Paul Acts 18:24-28, they took Apollos aside to correct him. This is a form of evangelism – Gal. 6:1, James 5:19 Evangelism 2015
Jesus Jesus, our example in this as well, 1 Corinthians 11:1 Matt. 10:24-25 Luke 19:10, His purpose Jesus taught many personally – Zacchaeus, Nicodemus, Samaritan woman, etc. He built up His apostles to carry on the work Evangelism 2015
May we use His word, not merely to learn what to teach, but to move us to teach