Lake Darling Restoration Project
Program Criteria Lake and watershed assessment and restoration plan Local resources in combination with state and federal funds Control of watershed sediment and nutrient delivery
Lake Restoration Goals Water ClarityWater Clarity 4.5 ft. achieved 50% of time April- September Beaches meet recreational use standardsBeaches meet recreational use standards Healthy aquatic community establishedHealthy aquatic community established Remove lake from impaired waters listRemove lake from impaired waters list Benefits sustained for 50 yearsBenefits sustained for 50 years
Lake Darling ,582 Estimated visitors to the park 12,435 Overnight camping guests
Archaeological took into account: Construction access routes Construction access routes Debris disposal areas Debris disposal areas Construction staging Construction staging and storage areas
Phase 1 Archeological Survey
Hammerstone Archaic projectile point
Early Woodland projectile point Bifacial scraper
Phase 2 Survey of the site below the dam
Phase 3 Data Recovery Started Fall 2010 DNR, State Historic Preservation Office and the Army Corps will meet at half way point of recovery
Lake Restoration - State Funding
For more information… Mike McGhee Mike McGhee George Antoniou