FIRE AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE: WEEK 2 The Hunger Games and Other Readings
GRAMMAR: MAIN VERBS AND HELPING VERBS A verb phrase is made up of a main verb, the most important verb in the verb phrase, and one or more helping verbs. Examples: My teacher will tell us about Peru. Mr. Vargas has been living here for twelve years.
UNDERLINE THE VERB PHRASE. CIRCLE THE MAIN VERB. 1.Within the next decade, we may be traveling to other planets. 2.One of the firs stops could be Phobus, a moon of Mars. 3.Discussion have already been held among scientists in several countries. 4.In the past, such join ventures were thought difficult.
ARE THE ODDS IN YOUR FAVOR? Class Reaping. Let’s do the math.
LET’S TALLY THE NUMBER OF GIRLS’ AND BOYS’ TESSARAE If you are a girl, follow this forumula:If you are a boy, follow this formula: My Total Number of Tessarae: Total Number of Girls’ TessaraeTotal Number of Boys’ Tessarae: Probability (Divide the first number by the second):
DISCUSS CHAPTER 3 What do we understand? What questions do you have so far? Copy this down and complete to turn in: Character who spoke with Katniss Describe how they spoke to each other: (urgently, awkwardly, etc…) What problem did the character address? What solution was offered? Katniss’ feelings at the end of the conversation Prim and Mom Peeta’s Dad Madge Gale
AFTER LUNCH: PERSUASIVE ESSAY WORK 1)Let’s read an example of a Persuasive Essay: “Libraries Face Sad Chapter” pg )Then, let’s work on our body paragraphs of our Persuasive Essay!
HOMEWORK: Finish your chart to turn in, if not already done. Read Chapter 4
GRAMMAR: PRINCIPAL PARTS OF REGULAR VERBS The four basic forms of a verb are its principal parts. These forms are the present, present participle, past, and past participle. PresentPresent ParticiplePastPast Participle I play You play He/She/ It plays We play They play I am playing You are playing He/She/It is playing We are playing They are playing I played You played He/She/It played We played They played I have played You have played He/She/It has played We have played They have played
UNDERLINE THE VERB OR VERB PHRASE FROM EACH SENTENCE THEN LABEL IT PRESENT, PRESENT PARTICIPLE, PAST, OR PAST PARTICIPLE 1.Rebecca and her husband traveled to Utah. 2.He has taken he same route twice before. 3.She called to her husband. 4.“The sheep are acting very thirsty. 5.Aaron had worried about the lack of water. 6.“I see a river in the distance. 7.“We are camping there for the night.”
CHARACTERIZATION What exactly is characterization?characterization What’s the difference between Indirect and Direct Characterization? Let’s divide into groups to find examples of characterization for: Katniss Peeta Haymitch Effie
AFTER LUNCH Writing our Persuasive Essay: paragraph 3 (2 nd body paragraph)
HOMEWORK Read Chapter 5
GRAMMAR: PRINCIPAL PARTS OF IRREGULAR VERBS Irregular verbs do no have ed or d added to the form of the past and past participle. Examples: PresentPresent ParticiplePastPast Participle I drink You drink He/She/ It drinks We drink They drink I am drinking You are drinking He/She/It is drinking We are drinking They are drinking I drank You drank He/She/It drank We drank They drank I have drunk You have drunk He/She/It has drunk We have drunk They have drunk
WRITE THE CORRECT PRINCIPAL PART OF THE VERB IN PARAENTHESIS. THEN IDIDENTIFY THE PRINCIPAL PART YOU USED. 1.To get to the island, the boys had _____________ (leave) before dawn. 2.An hour later, they ___________ (find) themselves at the quiet cove. 3.“It is ___________ (become) light,” said Josh. 4.Individual rays of sunlight ___________ (shine) through the jungle that __________ (begin) thirty feet in front of them. 5.Suddenly an animal _____________(burst) out of the jungle and ____________ (spring) toward them.
CHAPTER 5 Let’s describe the scene of her arrival and compare to another arrival scene. The Merry Old Land
PROPAGANDA Pay attention to the color scheme and the flags/banners in this scene.flags/banners in this scene What is the purpose of this propaganda?propaganda Next, let’s look at Historic Propaganda and create our own for The Hunger Games.
AFTER LUNCH Writing! Remember, you don’t have school tomorrow, and your essay is due on Friday. Homework: Complete your essay and read Chapter 6
GRAMMAR: MORE PRACTICE WITH PARTICIPLE PARTS OF IRREGULAR VERBS Use the correct past participle of each verb in parentheses The leave have __________ (fall), and the wind has ______ (blow) them all into a corner of the yard. I have ____________ (take) my typewriter and holed up in my study. The weather has ______________ (give) me an idea for a story. Write the past and the past participle for each verb. Run: Say: Tell: Write: Teach: Swim:
PEER EDITS Take a friend’s paper and edit it for content, organization, persuasive techniques, punctuation, capitalization, other grammar. Spend about 10 minutes on this. Now, review with your partner for 5 minutes. What did he/she do right? What does he/she need to revise? Let’s do this again with another partner.
FINISH OUR PROPAGANDA Before lunch, I want you to have your propaganda ready to turn in!
HOMEWORK: Read Chapter 7 and 8.