Photoshop tools Move tool Moves selected area Selection tools + shift = add to existing selection + alt = remove from existing selection Square / ellipse / single row / single column Lasso selection: Free hand / Polygonal / Magnetic (by edges) Magic Wand: Color areas (by tolerance 1-256)
Photoshop tools Crop tool Drawing / Image affecting tools: Healing Brush corrects by comparing pixels Clone Stamp clones pixels Eraser fills with backgound color blur / sharpen / smudge affected area Pencil / Brush draws foreground color History brush retains earlier state Gradient fills with selected / created gradient colors Dodge lightens, Burn increases, Sponge darkens color softly
Photoshop tools Path / anchor point selection tool Path / anchor point drawing toolHorizontal / vertical text toolVector shape tool creates vector objectsPipette tool selects existing color to foregroundHand tool moves zoomed image on screen Zoom tool magnifies in or out (+alt) Foreground / Background color can be changed by double-clicking