EX: Face design on the apple. 1 BY: Mashael AlDossari
Open the images in the program. 3
Withdrawal the second image and a third on the first. 4 Be the Layers
Hide the eye picture by removing the tag eye. Reduce the opacity,To be a suitable place. By using (Ctrol+T) and press Enter. 5
Add a mask. Choose the Brush tool. Make a default foreground and background color. 6
By using the brush tool, clear image. Upon approaching the border minimize from the hardness. 7
if you reduce hardness make the border smoothing over. By using (press the Mask + Alt) you can see the mask. By using (press the Mask + Shift) you can see the original images. 8
I copy layer eye,Be constipation original layer of the eye and pulled on Create a New Layers 9 click right and chose Flip Horizontal to modify the image.
I set layers of the eye and press (Ctrl+E) to become a single image. 10
Create a layer __Choose the Brush tool __Choosing the color red __Underestimate the opacity __and do coloring. 11
Open the image fyonka. Clean white background using the Magic Eraser Tool. pulling the fyonka on the apple. 12