What is discrimination? Discrimination is when a person or group of persons are singled out for their race, skin colour, gender, sexuality or religion.
Who were/are the KKK? The KKK were a group of white supremacists who wanted black people to die and went so far as to kill them themselves. The KKK are still very much still around, but they’ve settled down now. The KKK leaders are called the Grand Wizard, or Imperial Wizard. The highest ranking member is called the Grand Dragon. The KKK actually currently have an official website with a new motto of, “Love not hate.”, just so long as you’re white and American.
Discrimination in history. There has always been discrimination in history. Such as the fact black people were enslaved by the white people. Another example is Hitler killing six million Jewish people in the Second World War.
Other examples of Racism in History The Jim Crow Laws kept black people and white people from mixing. Due to these laws, in Alabama in 1883, interracial marriage meant up to seven years’ labour in a state penitentiary. Another example is that the buses should not have black and white people in them. Although there was the Montgomery Bus Boycott, where an African-American woman was arrested for not giving her seat to a white person.
Slavery Vikings used to capture the Slavs and sell them to the Romans as slaves. Slavery was officially established in Virginia in 1654 when a man convinced the court that another man was his for life. Slavery started to die out in the second half of the eighteenth century in the United States because the crops needed less manual work. It was ended in the United States in 1865.
Is racism coming to an end? I doubt it will happen any time soon with there being over 40,000 reported cases in UK schools alone each year. Although the fact Barack Obama has not only been elected as President of America for four years, but re-elected for another four years shows some progress. The UK even has the BNP, which believes that other races shouldn’t be in Britain.
Sectarianism. The most obvious example of sectarianism in Scotland is the Catholics and the Protestants. This is very common with Rangers and Celtic fans. There has even been people killed for the religion they worship or the team the support.
Homophobia There is many examples of homophobia all over the world, there are even many countries that homosexuality is punishable by death. There are even people in this country killed for their sexuality.
Conclusion Discrimination is very likely to never end. As long as there are people who differ from others there will be discrimination.