Chapter 17 Lauren Mangus, Ashlee Stants, Isabella Condie, Maleah Grabiak, Allegra Shaffer
That’s so Raven
The Purpose of Our clip… Q: Do you have any ideas on why we chose an episode of “That’s so Raven”? A: It shows that the store owner will not allow black people to be employees at the store. It displays discrimination. Just like it did in that time period, a manager of the 21 century is discriminating against black people.
Judge Taylor Doesn’t pay attention during case Listens to Atticus when he speaks Also listens carefully to the evidence being said before him Wants children and women of the town to know what really happens, so he said they can stay as long as they are quiet
Heck Tate Maycomb County sherriff Testifies with Bob Ewell
Bob Ewell Mayella Ewell’s (victim) father Often eluded the question at hand and nobody knows why Possibly committed the crime because he is left handed QUESTION FOR THE CLASS: DO YOU THINK BOB EWELL COMMITTED THE CRIME? IF SO, WHAT EVIDENCE IS THERE TO PROVE IT?
Mr. Gilmer Bob Ewell’s lawyer Did not really talk that much Mr. Gilmer was curious about his own defendant’s education
Mayella Ewell Victim of rape case The courtroom is uncertain of what Mayella might say while she is testifying
Atticus Finch He is Tom Robinson’s lawyer He questions all witnesses
Jem Finch He is very interested in the case He doesn’t talk at all really because his eyes are on the court floor
Scout Finch She doesn’t really understand what is going on even though she acts like she does She often tries to act older than she really is
Tom Robinson Being accused of the crime that he most likely didn’t do
Reverend Sykes The reverend of the church Tom Robinson attended