EEE telescope time resolution D. De Gruttola, M.P. Panetta, C. Cicalò.


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Presentation transcript:

EEE telescope time resolution D. De Gruttola, M.P. Panetta, C. Cicalò

 distributions analysis on SAVO-02 study  and 1/  in data used for muon decay analysis (pilot run) study  and 1/  in data (Run 1)  in these data the HV was higher calibration strip by strip (as done for PISA-01) compare the distributions w/o correction Maria Paola is going to check them in PISA-01 data (time values for each FEA are available) possibility to study the resolution vs HV and investigate the plateau

Correction E. Bossini

 = 0,937  = 0,1652  = 3,726  = 0,7259 SAVO ##_dst.root 2h  Events under the KNEE

 = 1,093  = 0,1756  = 0,937  = 0,1652 SAVO ##_dst.root 2h  Events under the KNEE

 = 0,944  = 0,177  = 3,667  = 0,7256 SAVO ##_dst.root 2h  Events Over KNEE

 = 1,081  = 0,1725  = 0,944  = 0,177  1/  SAVO ##_dst.root 2h  Events Over the KNEE

. Under the KNEE and Over the KNEE better 1%. calibration strip by strip We are going to track as EEE_analyzer in PISA-01 we selected tracks as the Pisa_analyzer (Edoardo)