Equilibrium TUTORIAL 5 to answer just click on the button or image related to the answer
Question 1a what are the three equations of static equilibrium? H = 0, V = 0, M = 0 a ΣH = 0, Σ V = 0, ΣM = 0 b F = ma, M = Fd, P = F/A c
Question 1b what does it mean? all horizontal forces equal zero a the sum of all horizontal forces equals zero b the sum of the forces acting to the left equals the sum of the forces acting to the right c given that ΣH = 0 is one of the equations the structure does not move to the left or right d b, c and d e
Question 1c what does it mean? all vertical forces equal zero a the sum of all vertical forces equals zero b the sum of the forces acting upwards equals the sum of the forces acting downwards c given that ΣV = 0 is one of the equations the structure does not move up or down d b, c and d e
Question 1d what does it mean? all moments equal zero a the sum of all moments equals zero b the sum of the clockwise moments equals the sum of the anti-clockwise moments c given that ΣM = 0 is one of the equations the structure does rotate / spin d b, c and d e
Question 2 what are they? show me a given the post-and beam structure as shown, describe three ways of stabilising it. Draw and name the ways
next question enough !
let me try again let me out of here this says that a horizontal force equals 0, a vertical force equals 0 and a moment = o
let me try again let me out of here you were kidding? No?
next question enough ! the sum of the horizontal forces equals 0 the sum of the forces acting to the left equals the sum of the forces acting to the right The structure does not move to the left or right Yes, ΣH = 0 means all that
let me try again let me out of here this says that all horizontal force are zero (i.e. there are no horizontal forces) and then think again !
let me try again let me out of here what’s the full answer?
next question enough ! the sum of the vertical forces equals 0 the sum of the forces acting up equals the sum of the forces acting down the structure does not move up or down Yes, ΣV = 0 means all that
let me try again let me out of here this says that all vertical force are zero (i.e. there are no vertical forces) and then think again !
let me try again let me out of here what’s the full answer?
next question enough ! the sum of the moments equals 0 the sum of the clockwise moments equals the sum of the anti-clockwise moments the structure does not rotate or spin Yes, ΣM = 0 means all that
let me try again let me out of here this says that all the moments are zero (i.e. there are no moments) and then think again !
let me try again let me out of here what’s the full answer?
l a) cross-bracing l b) knee-bracing l c) rigid joints l d) solid infill (shear panels) l e) build-in posts (rigid joints) If that’s what you got then you’ve done it !