Welcome to Curriculum Review Week 2012 June 18-21, 2012
Team Norms Begin and end on time. Begin and end on time. Keep the train of thought on track. Keep the train of thought on track. Actively participate and process throughout the entire session. Actively participate and process throughout the entire session. Respect the ideas and learning needs of others. Respect the ideas and learning needs of others. Cell phones on vibrate. Emergencies away from the group. Cell phones on vibrate. Emergencies away from the group. Assume positive intent. Assume positive intent.
CRW – Learning Targets We will share and develop an understanding of the pre-work updates. We will share and develop an understanding of the pre-work updates. We will develop key academic vocabulary for our grade/ subject area. We will develop key academic vocabulary for our grade/ subject area.
CRW – Learning Targets We will tweak and/or unpack current curriculum guides We will tweak and/or unpack current curriculum guides We will review learning targets, criteria for success, and sequencing for student success. We will review learning targets, criteria for success, and sequencing for student success.
CRW – Learning Targets We will develop new benchmark assessments that reflect the Common Core/Essential Standards and thinking skills. We will develop new benchmark assessments that reflect the Common Core/Essential Standards and thinking skills. We will create videos and executive summaries to help update staff in August on CRW work. We will create videos and executive summaries to help update staff in August on CRW work. We will complete an Exit Ticket to provide feedback for Fall PD planning. We will complete an Exit Ticket to provide feedback for Fall PD planning.
Logistical Issues Logistical Issues Sign up in TNL #1632. Be sure you sign up under the corresponding section for the subject area that you will be assigned to for the week. Sign up in TNL #1632. Be sure you sign up under the corresponding section for the subject area that you will be assigned to for the week. Attend all 4 days of CRW from 8:00 – 4:00. Be sure to sign in each day in the a.m. and after lunch. Attend all 4 days of CRW from 8:00 – 4:00. Be sure to sign in each day in the a.m. and after lunch. Checks for CRW will be direct deposited on Wednesday, June 27. Checks for CRW will be direct deposited on Wednesday, June 27. Take a break for lunch from 11:45 – 1:00. Take a break for lunch from 11:45 – 1:00.
Logistical Issues Logistical Issues Review all plus/deltas, feedback and any other data from last school year when making revisions. Review all plus/deltas, feedback and any other data from last school year when making revisions. Actively participate in the team’s work for the week. Actively participate in the team’s work for the week. Flip cameras are available for you to capture some of the team discussions. Flip cameras are available for you to capture some of the team discussions. Adhere to guidelines provided on the CRW checklist Adhere to guidelines provided on the CRW checklist
Logistical Issues Logistical Issues All deliverables should be print ready and saved to a flash drive and H drive on SHS server. All deliverables should be print ready and saved to a flash drive and H drive on SHS server. Copyright Module has been completed. Copyright Module has been completed. Questions that arise- send to CSS on the Today’s Meet. Better to ask than to guess! Questions that arise- send to CSS on the Today’s Meet. Better to ask than to guess! Be flexible! Be flexible!
Technology Expectations ISS issued computers only Connect via guest wireless account only Only the SHS desktop computers will be connected to the network Access to the H drive for CRW materials Novell Login: username: curteam password: summer Printer ready District issued flash drives only
Copyright and Fair Use How does this relate to CRW? TNL Course # 1721 Copyright and Fair Use cheat sheet Digital copy of “Copyright and Fair Use for Teachers” on H drive
Resources for the week Today’s Meet: Today’s Meet:
In it you’ll find… Background of development of CCS Structure of the standards Benefits of CCS How to transition to new standards Your leadership team also received this book. Use this as a resource to deepen your understanding as you work together to equip teachers at your school. Thanks to our Race to the Top grant, you’ll receive this book.
Thanks to.... Refreshments are provided this week thanks to the FLC Grant Please be sure to recap drinks tightly.
When we are debating an issue, loyalty means giving me your honest opinion, whether you think I'll like it or not. Disagreement, at this stage, stimulates me. But once a decision has been made, the debate ends. From that point on, loyalty means executing the decision as if it were your own. --- Colin Powell
Shifts in standards for ALL teachers & students: Common Core State Standards: NC Essential Standards: ELA Math Literacy Anchor Standards for all content areas Science Social Studies Information & Technology World Languages Arts Education (art, theater, music) Healthful Living Guidance
Shifts in instruction for ALL Fewer standards but taught at a deeper level Focus on reading and writing in every subject Tighter developmental progression from one grade level to the next grade level
CRW Pre-work Reviewed understanding of learning targets and criteria for success Reviewed understanding of learning targets and criteria for success Recommended changes on the curriculum guide Recommended changes on the curriculum guide Gave input and feedback for assessments and the work of CRW Gave input and feedback for assessments and the work of CRW Teachers who came to pre-work days will update their team on the work that was done during pre-work days. Teachers who came to pre-work days will update their team on the work that was done during pre-work days.
CRW Checklist Two different CRW Checklists this year (one for tested subject area teams and one for non-tested subject area teams) Even within these two groups, the work will look different
Curriculum Guides Purpose: Provide direction for instruction- connect with your PDSA Use the unpacking component for developing lessons, assessments, and questions Provide consistency in curriculum across the district Developmental sequence for instruction
Use learning targets and criteria for success with your students
Learning target with criteria for success
Questions to ask as you revise or develop Curriculum Guides Are our criteria for success written as strategies or steps that students can use to help meet the learning target? Are our criteria for success specific enough that students will be able to determine where the breakdown is occurring for them if they are not meeting the learning target?
What is the difference between Formative, Benchmark and Summative Assessments? It is not the assessment itself, it’s how you use the results! Diagnostic Assessment: Identifies specific skill gaps Formative Assessment: What learning comes next for this student at this point in time? Benchmark Assessment: How are students progressing? How well is this program working? Summative Assessment: How are schools and district progressing? How is the state progressing?
As you create assessments… If you’ve had a skill move to another grade level, that team could benefit from your assessment items and vice versa. Consider the Lexile level of passages you choose to use. Baseline Assessments- for this year you want to consider the skills that may get lost in transitioning to the new standards
Open Ended Items Purpose: Common Core/ Essential Standards asks students to explain their thoughts processes instead of simply providing a correct response. Expectation: Each grade and content area will develop 1 open ended item and an accompanying scoring rubric. Process: Score and discuss student work on ERPD; share scores with district
Rubric for Open Ended Item Scoring Rubric 2Response provides a complete explanation of _____________________. Response includes relevant details from the text. 1Response provides a partial explanation of _______________________. Response includes limited details from the text. 0Response is incorrect or irrelevant.
Rubric for Open Ended Item Scoring Rubric 2Correct answer; shows evidence of conceptual and procedural understanding. 1Incorrect answer but shows conceptual understanding. Correct answer but shows procedural understanding only; no evidence of conceptual understanding 0Incorrect answer; shows little or no understanding.
Cycle 1 Assessments Cycle/ Quarter 1 Curriculum Guide Cycle I Assessment
Cycle 2 Assessments Cycle 2 Assessments Cycle 1 Curriculum Guide Cycle 2 Curriculum Guide Cycle 1 + Cycle 2 + Stretch = Cycle 2 Assessment
Assessment Info. No EOG re-test in school year EOG scores from DPI by Oct 2013 Sharing of common assessments among states (SBAC )
What’s coming next year with ERPD? Content Specific School- based September December March October February April
Exit Tickets What will teachers need to know in August? What will teachers need to know in August? What will teachers need to focus on for ERPD in September? What will teachers need to focus on for ERPD in September? What will teachers need to focus on in their PLC work? What will teachers need to focus on in their PLC work?
District Assessment Timeline for Baseline/Pre-test PA Math Grades 1-8 Reading Grades 2-8 High School EOC Semester 1 and Yearlong Courses Science 5-8, SS 8 August 27 – September 6 PA Math Grades K-8, Reading Grades 2-8 High School CFAs Semester 1 Courses Science 5-8, SS 8 October 18 – 25 PA High School EOC Yearlong Courses and PAs January
PA Baseline/Pre-test High School EOC Semester 2 Courses January 22 – 31 PA Math Grades K-8 Reading, Grades 2-8 Science 5-8, SS 8 February High School CFAs Semester 2 Courses March PA Math Grades K-2, Reading Grade 2, SS 8 May PA High School PAs Semester 2 Courses June 3- 7
When you return in August... It is the expectation that when you return to school in August, you and your school leadership team will provide an overview for staff on CRW before August 26. It is the expectation that when you return to school in August, you and your school leadership team will provide an overview for staff on CRW before August 26. Update on Curriculum Guide refinement and how to use them Update on Curriculum Guide refinement and how to use them
When you return in August... Update teachers on assessments Update teachers on assessments Implement anchor standards and math practices Implement anchor standards and math practices Use your Curriculum Guides to identify gaps and plan instruction and assessments. Use your Curriculum Guides to identify gaps and plan instruction and assessments.