CARDIO 1.Look at page 65 in your text book. Why do you think some people were happy to settle in villages?
After earth got warmer, nomads moved into wild climate and fertile soil. Farming replaced hunting as main source of food. People domesticated animals for they use. The Neolithic times Lesson 2: the Agriculture Revolution Neolithic “new stone” began about 8000 B.C and lasted until around 4000 B.C
Widespread Farming By 8000 B.C Asia. By 6000 B.C Egypt. By 8000 and 5000 B.C in India. By 6000 B.C Northern China By 5000 B.C Southen China 7000 and 5000 B.C Mexico and Central America. Big change for humakind Agricultural revolution help to produce constant food. No more nomads
Catalhuyuk was another Neolithic community. Life in the Neolithic Age People settled in villages The oldest community village was Jericho. It was located between present-day Israel and Jordan called the West Bank. They built home and also Shrines or holy places
They made better tools They started using metals like cooper. They discover bronze and was used between 3000 and 1200 B.C This period is knows as the Bronze age. Very expensive so few people used it. The end of Neolithic age
Human continue to develop more complex culture called civilizations. The first civilization were located by the great river valley. The four early civilizations were Mesopotamia, Egypt, India and China They trade or exchange goods. They formed government to protect themselves. The type of government was Monarchy. This type of government led by a queen or king. Civilization Emerge Cities and Goverment
Religion emerge to new civilization to help people understand and explain their lives. Religion They use symbols instead of words and letters. They stated writing to keep records Art was for enjoyment and practical purpose. Writing and Art They were organized in groups. Level of power were created. Rulers, priests, soldiers and high level class made the important decisions Social Structure
CLASS WORK 1.Map activity (CIVILIZATIONS EMERGE) WORK BOOK Page Vocabulary words TEXT BOOK Page 54, WORK BOOK PAGE 35-37
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