Applications Requirements New Every Year Applications Eligibility Guidance Process within 10 working days Complete bottom of applications OR Batch print out & sign daily electronically processed
Receiving Applications Last year benefits covers 1 st 30 operating days Students must have a new application or documentation on file for the new School Year – Paper Applications – Direct Certification – Homeless – Migrant
Eligibility Activity Work as a group at your table. What is your eligibility determination based on the scenario? What documentation needs to be kept on file? Pick a group reporter – Report back by Reading the scenario What was your determination How will you document the eligibility determination
Eligibility Documentation for the CRE 1. Be sure all students on the Benefit Roster have correctly determined eligibility! 2. Be sure you have documentation for eligibility for every student receiving benefits! 3. Match Benefit Roster with Point of Service Roster!
DIRECT CERTIFICATION Available 24/7, Update weekly Sponsors retrieve least 3 times per year Beginning of School Year November February Send out “Direct Certification Eligibility Notification letter” using address on DC file only. Household has the right to decline benefits.
ODE Supported On-line Application
Categorical Eligibility Use Quick Reference for correct case numbers for SNAP and TANF Cannot accept – -Oregon Trail Card Number 16 # long -Oregon Medical Card Number 2 alpha + 5 # + 1 alpha
Foster Children Categorically eligible for Free Monthly foster payment is not considered income No longer consider a household of 1, part of the household on the application NEW! NEW
Temporary Approval – Zero Income Follow up required within 45 Calendar Days (note on application contact, initial & date) Then sponsor has a choice: Follow-up again in 45 calendar days OR Extend eligibility for the rest of the school year
Eligibility Notification All households must be notified of their eligibility status Approved - In writing or orally DC eligibility letter differs from regular eligibility notification letter Denied Benefits - written notification required With the Reason Right to Appeal May re-apply
Where to go: Eligibility Guidance Manual
CONFIDENTIALITY Disclosure of Eligibility Information
Sharing student eligibility & status without written consent National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Title 1 Oregon Advanced Placement Test Fee Program Oregon Senate Bill 300
Do NOT Release Student Name & Status without written parent/guardian consent Athletics Other programs that reduce fees Local churches or charitable organizations