Politics of Leisure and Recreation
Slow Food Movement Founder Manifesto Metamorphosis Discussion Points
How Large is it? National Branches in Italy, US, Japan, UK, France, Germany, Switzerland 850 “convivia” (local chapters) around the world 86,000 members
Slow Foodies Picnicking “If we are what we eat, who wants to be Fast, Cheap, and Easy.” Slow Foodie testimonial
From Eno to Eco Gastronomy: Slow Food’s Metamorphosis Promote Food Safety Conserve Bio-diversity Promote Organic Farming
Organic Nation: Grocery Store Wars d=multimedia&action=zoom&id=14058
Leitch and Politics of Pork Fat According to Leitch, the Slow Food Movement is a response to the “ reorganization of public memory ” (441) that has occurred in the wake of the creation of the European Union. What practices does the Slow Food Movement promote to counter the effects of this reorganization of public memory?
Virtuous Globalization Movements such as the Slow Food Movement call for globalization that is “ virtuous. ” What is virtuous globalization and what are some of the key features of globalization that it views as lacking virtue?
Activities Encourage Chefs to Source Locally Reduce Food Miles Support Fair Trade and Equity in North- South relations
Other Social Movements The Slow Food Movement is one of many transnational civic associations that have emerged in recent years to advocate “ slowness. ” These associations are not necessarily anti-capitalist nor anti-corporate. Rather they call for a form of political action center on a praxis of slowness. Are there other social movements that share features of the Slow Food movement?