What is an adaptation? An inherited trait that helps an organism survive. 1. External features: Features of an organism that are outside of the body. 2. Physiological structures: Structures that allow an organism to function properly. 3. Behavioral: Activity or action that helps an organism survive in its environment.
Hibernation When animals sleep through the cold winter and awake when the weather turns warmer. As the temperatures cool, an animal’s heart rate lowers –Cool fact! A hibernating woodchuck’s body temperature drops by more than 30 degrees Celsius, and its heart rate slows from 80 to 4 beats per minute!
Why do animals hibernate? In winter, food is hard to find in cold places. Instead of migrating, some animals Hibernate. Because food is hard to find, hibernating helps these animals conserve energy.
Steps to Hibernating 1)Animals store up food in the form of body fat. 2)They find a safe place to spend the winter. 3)Finally they fall into a long, deep sleep. 4)Animals will then wake up when the weather turns warmer.
Migration An adaptation in which animals move to more favorable environments
Why do animals migrate? Favorable environments allows animals to find food, water, shelter and to reproduce, increasing their chance for survival. Birds are not the only animals that migrate.
Migration Most migrations are seasonal. Animals usually migrate to warmer environments to find food, shelter, to raise off-spring and to reproduce. Most animals (especially birds) take the same migrating path year after year.
Bulb in Plants an underground food storage organ formed from the plant stem and leaves.
Why do plants have bulbs? Some plants use a bulb to store food to survive in difficult conditions (cold weather). They are like a squashed, swollen stem or shoot that hides underground. There it is protected from cold winters and dry summers.
How does the bulb store food? The swollen stem (bulb) is a food store or cupboard for the plant. It has enough energy to grow even though for many months it has no leaves to make food because of the cold weather. When the temperature rises in spring a green shoot will come out of the bulb. First the leaves come and then a flower shoot. After flowering the plant will set seed but the leaves will still be making food to store for next spring!