Ardmay House 2012 By Emily and Kieran
Contents Page 1 – where it iswhere it is Page 2 – StaffStaff Page 3 - food/cheffood/chef Page 4 –Dorms/Dorms/ Page 5 – MapsMaps Page 6 – PicturesPictures Page 7 – ActivitiesActivities Page 8 – What we had to wearWhat we had to wear
Where it is Ardmay house is near a little village called arrachar next to loch long, the water is right next to Ardmay
staff There were all different adults but the most important to us was our instructors tom and Andy they were the people we went with on all of our activities
Food and chefs The food was really good and Brenda was our chef les also helped out in the kitchen, everyday we had a table monitor and they would be in charge of taking the all of the stuff to the table and after everyone had ate cleaning up the table.
Dorms We all had a dorm to share with a phew people and that is were we would wake up get dressed and sleep at night
Pictures This was all of us learning how to join our canoes together ! IT WAS EPIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS Was kieran JUMPING INTO THE FREEZING LAKE IT WAS FREEZING!!!! BUT IT WAS WORTH IT YOUS MUST DO IT
Pictures page
Activities List Forest walk Weaseling Canoeing Half day hill walk / full day hill walk Absailing Crate stacking Orienteering
What we had to wear At Ardmay House we had to wear water proofs and wellingtons but when you go weasling you have to wear special water proofs and wellingtons. When you where in the house you had to wear clean clothes and slippers/indoor shoes.
Picture page