1 Expand GOES Education and Training Program Tony Mostek Action – Prepare proposal for Expanded Satellite Training Course (part of end-to-end GOES program) Propose development of new Satellite HydroMeteorology (SHyMet) Course under VISIT (Virtual Institute for Satellite Integration Training) Follow approach used by NOAA for operational radar course – 8/10 weeks of distance training followed by 4 day residence workshop
What is VISIT? VISIT - Virtual Institute for Satellite Integration Training CIRA –NOAA Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere at Colorado State University CIMSS – NOAA Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies at University of Wisconsin NWS TD – National Weather Service Training Division WMO – World Meteorological Organization
EUMETSAT NESDIS CIRA CIMSS VISIT Niamey Niger Nanjing China San Jose Costa Rica Collaboration is the Key to Success Melbourne Australia Narobi Kenya Bridgetown Barbados JMA NSMC WMO Virtual Laboratory