Evolution refers to the process of adaptation and physical changes of living organisms over many generations.


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Presentation transcript:

Evolution refers to the process of adaptation and physical changes of living organisms over many generations.

 Australopithecu s  Homo Habilis  Home Erectus  Neanderthal  Homo Sapiens

Evolved in Africa over three million years ago. Foot prints were first discovered in Laetoli, Tanzania. These footprints are over three million years old. May have fed on nuts and seeds. May have eaten lots of fruits as well. Some fossils bone density suggest that animal protein may have also been a part of their diet. Had a small brain but did using both legs (bipedal) Not very adept at stone tools. Discussion Question: What kinds of stone tools do you think Australopithecus used?

Footprints are preserved in volcanic ash. Most likely made by Australopithecus. One person may have been walking in the footsteps of the other. Possibly three people. Australopithecus walked at a speed of 1 metre per second. About the same speed of a human. Located in Southern Africa. Discussion Question: Is this a small group, and is if it is how is that significant?

Dates back to 2.3 or 1.4 million years ago. May have used fire but did not know how to create it. Did use sophisticated stone tools. May not have been a hunter but rather, a scavenger. Most likely used spears to frighten animals and take prey. Diverse diets that included animals and plants. Geographic range eastern africa; possibly farther.

Create a venn diagram comparing and contrasting Australopithecus and Homo Habilis.