R&D Structure in a Changing World Subcommittee Tom Tirpak, Larry Schwartz, David Kashdan (Co-chairs) IRI Meeting 2005 Tucson, AZ
Subcommittee Name Presenter; Location, Slide 2 Overview Objective/Scope To combine IRI ROR research on “Innovation Games” with the body of knowledge on R&D organization structure, and thereby identify trends and actionable guidelines for managing R&D structures and competencies that support an organization’s market and technology strategy. Dates Start: 2/2004, SIS in November, Planned Completion: 12/2005? Value Proposition Improved R&D effectiveness. Increased alignment with corporate strategy. Provide framework for discussion about organizational issues
Subcommittee Name Presenter; Location, Slide 3 Participants Co-Chairs Tom Tirpak (Motorola) David Kashdan (Eastman) Larry Schwartz (Intellectual ASSETS Inc). University Partners Roger Miller Montreal Polytechnique CIMS/NCSU Members Thanks to the ~25 participants
Subcommittee Name Presenter; Location, Slide R&D Structure in a Changing World Status: CIMS/NCSC survey completed, 66 participants in 16 industries MINE Survey in process, ~150 interviews in 2 business sectors complete. RTM article outlined SIS planned (November, 2005). Remain in Phase III
Subcommittee Name Presenter; Location, Slide 5 CIMS/NCSU Summary 66 Interviews (2/3 IRI Companies) 16 Industries
Subcommittee Name Presenter; Location, Slide 6 Our Investigation Collected Data using survey form and websiteCollected Data using survey form and websitehttp://
Subcommittee Name Presenter; Location, Slide 7 Spectrum of Organizational Structure CorporateDecentralized Revenue
Subcommittee Name Presenter; Location, Slide 8 MINE Study Games R&D Structure Real Cost of Innovation
Subcommittee Name Presenter; Location, Slide 9 R&D Structure Survey Multiyear, Multiindustry study, lead researchers from Montreal Polytechnique 143 surveys completed to date Plan to survey 1200 firms 20 sectors 4 continents Web-based version of the instrument: Initial personnel contact with CTOs, VP R&D level Self-paced responses Instant feedback / comparison to best performers and average
Subcommittee Name Presenter; Location, Slide 10 Major Learnings "Game" (Business Design or Strategy) is the largest determinant of organizational structure Pioneer Entry Battle for Architecture Mass Customization Engineering IP Battlefield of Systems Startup with IP "Safe Journey" Optimizing But…There exists an overlay of other factors -- Roger Miller, Montreal Polytechnic
Subcommittee Name Presenter; Location, Slide 11 Other Factors Ubiquitous IT Globalization Division of Labor (What is core and what's not) Customer Intimacy Cyclical Patterns of Centralization and Decentralization Cost Savings
Subcommittee Name Presenter; Location, Slide 12 R&D Structure Influencers
Subcommittee Name Presenter; Location, Slide 13 MINE Real Cost of Innovation ~30% of Innovation is performed outside of the functional R&D structure in other functions (Marketing, Manufacturing, Sales, HSE, etc.
Subcommittee Name Presenter; Location, Slide 14 RTM Paper Hypothesis 1: Selection of R&D Structure is heavily influenced by “Games of Value Creation” Hypothesis 2: There are “passing trends” that affect all structures Ubiquitous IT Globalization Division of Labor (What’s core and what is not) Customer Intimacy Cyclical Patterns of Centralization and Decentralization (e.g. Du Pont every 12 years, Raychem every 3 years). Hypothesis 3: Beyond the structure of the R&D Organization, there are capabilities and processes that contribute substantially to innovation and the cost thereof.
Subcommittee Name Presenter; Location, Slide 15 Next Steps June to November Continue MINE survey * IRI Participation requested and essential Present SIS at November IRI Meeting Complete draft of RTM Article