Service Triangles Mid-year Review Update January 2016
Planned Care Community Dermatology service in Cromwell PCC Diabetes patient guides & support group established Long Term Conditions model in development Implementation of Cancer NICE Guidance Service specifications for Neurology developed Trialling tele-dermatology and video consultations in primary care
Un-Planned Care Leading on the transformation of the NEL Urgent Care System Leading on creating resilience in the un-planned care system Oversight of Emergency Planning Evaluation of the re-tendering of GP out of hours services
Primary Care GP Recruitment: successful trip to Holland in June 2015, resulting in interest from 4-5 GPs successful bid for funding from NHS England for Clinical Pharmacists to work alongside GPs commenced formal research project, jointly with HYMS, for understanding impact of Physiotherapist working as part of core GP team. 7 day services: working alongside NHS England to understand impact of the NEL Docks Collaborative project and potential for wider rollout across NEL GP Education Programme: successfully recruited to Clinical Education Fellow in Primary Care (joint post between HYMS and CCG) to lead educational programme for GPs within NEL. Education programme launched and first event to be held on 28 th January 2016
Women and Children’s Enhanced Children's Community Nursing Service: Nurse specialists in diabetes, respiratory, endocrine, diabetes, palliative & Community Paediatric Consultant. Phlebotomy clinics in 3-primary care centres. Prevention, early intervention: Achieved excellent immunisation rates which are amongst the highest (best) in the country. Achieved timely health assessments for children who are looked after (LAC) Continued success of Paediatric Assessment Unit (PAU)
Disabilities … Mental Health IAPT waiting list reduction Trajectory ahead of target to achieve <5 waits longer than 2wks for step 3 IAPT by March 2016 Early Intervention in Psychosis RTT standard Achieving access part of this new standard routinely Significant challenges ahead to achieve NICE compliant therapy delivery by 2017 Liaison Psychiatry Non-recurrent funding enabled functions of CORE24 specification deliverable across services for
Disabilities … Learning Disabilities Assuring Transformation: 1 individual meets transforming care definition. Partnership with Hull and ERY to meet transforming care agenda Risk analysis of individuals with emerging complex, challenging, and very high-cost community placements Working with local providers to identify and develop safe and realistic care packages where appropriate
Older people’s, Carer’s and Dementia Care Dementia: The workshop led to the articulation of the proposed vision Steering group will develop a consultation document to ensure those with dementia and their carers have a voice in the final documentation launched. Diagnosis rate of 72.3%, which is a positive achievement against the national average of 67.1%. Care Homes: The Support for people with Multiple Long Term Conditions Project is progressing Carers’: Carers’ Strategy Action Plan is on track for completion by Carers’ Centre and Carers’ Forum have embarked on consultation regarding service delivery
Community care Triangle Extra Care Housing: first scheme ‘Strand Court’ was officially opened by the Mayor in September The majority of residents moved in between August and November and we still have waiting list of people who are waiting for a vacancy. the onsite restaurant is open to members of the public and families and as well as residents and feedback has been very positive Single Point of Access: leaflets and business cards have been distributed to promote the service and the single number system is in place.
Prescribing and Medicines Management Continue to promote the safe and effective use of medicines to enable the best possible outcomes and using NHS resources efficiently. Providing advice on medication Promoting cost-effective initiatives in primary care e.g. gluten free foods Looking at Quality Initiatives e.g. antibiotic prescribing, prevention of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation Promoting self-care including access to community pharmacy and exploring a minor ailments scheme Reviewing the use of prescribing point of decision software e.g. ScriptSwitch / Optimise Rx