Drama is about discovering your creative self, awakening the senses, strengthening your imagination, and communicating this experience to others.
What is drama? Drama and theatre come from rich and varied histories. All art is tied to the development of people and society. The more we understand about where we come from, the better we will understand where we stand today.
These dramatic elements are at the core of all drama. They can be used in isolation or all together and are manipulated by the performer for dramatic effect. Time Mood Space Language Sound
“Genre” - from the French meaning “category” or "type”. Not all plays fall into a single genre, but it helps us to understand the genres as a general basis for approaching art, music, theatre and literature.
Most common genres in theatre are: Tragedy-based on profound emotions Comedy- Romance- Satire/Irony-
The greatest plays of all time have been tragedies. Traditional Tragedy has... Tragic heroes/heroines- failure and/or sacrifice Tragic circumstances –suffering or death If we didn’t care there would be no Tragedy
Can be physical and broad OR can be elegant and witty Farce (dark, low, bawdy, rude, physical) – Liar Liar, Superbad Romantic Comedy(light, innocent)- Legally Blond, The Wedding Planner
Romance plays often feature: supernatural events and or the use of magic extraordinary events (such as shipwrecks, reuniting of long-lost families and improbable disguises) Romance endings sometime seem staged or contrived to make every character as happy as possible. UL
Storyboards are often used to plan visual presentations, such as videos and movies, and can include rough drawings of scenes. You will create a storyboard to aid you in creating your own plays.
Your storyboard is also a tool for mapping your ideas a “blueprint” for planning and visualizing your play.