End of the Year Poetry Unit Lesson #1 Ms. Hines and
Lesson #1 EQ: – What is poetry? What is a poem? Standard: ELACC7.RL.5 (poetry) – Students will read poems that will help them construct a definition of poetry while understanding some common elements.
We will… Reading and discuss a great variety of poems with similar themes. Analyze poetry, write, and perform poetry. Listen to and read lyrics and will have an opportunity to write and share our own songs (if you choose to). Learn about the structures and devices that poets use to convey emotions, ideas and to create meaning. Increase our understanding and appreciation and be challenged to add to, change, or rethink their initial definition and concept of poetry. Become poets.
Poetry Splash 1.Read seven selected poems. 2.Complete the “What I Read-What I Think- What I Wonder” graphic organizer about the poem. 3.Select lines of poetry from each poem that you like or lines that caught your attention. 4.Be prepared to share with the class.
Lesson Closing Using the back of your graphic organizer, reflect on the poems that you read today. Here are some questions to help you reflect: – What did you like most about the poem you selected? – How did the poem make you feel? – What words or phrases did you like? Need clarification? – What do you think the poem is about? – What might this poem be saying? – How would you define poetry?