Behind the Counter Andres Galvez
Complaints include one from a New Orleans worker who cited lack of training and equipment for burns suffered while filtering grease, according to documents provided by the campaign. The campaign also alleges that a Philadelphia worker who was badly burned when reaching for a cookie tray was told by a manager to use mayonnaise to treat the burn. Complaints include one from a New Orleans worker who cited lack of training and equipment for burns suffered while filtering grease, according to documents provided by the campaign. The campaign also alleges that a Philadelphia worker who was badly burned when reaching for a cookie tray was told by a manager to use mayonnaise to treat the burn. Workers said understaffing and pressure to work faster resulted in injuries. Those injuries, they added, were not properly treated. Workers said understaffing and pressure to work faster resulted in injuries. Those injuries, they added, were not properly treated. Unsafe Working conditions
Nearly half of all burn injuries involved hot grease. Such injuries can be prevented by providing handles on scrapers and other cleaning tools, providing appropriate gloves, allowing grease to cool before it is moved, and training employees in safe work practices, among other precautions, NIOSH suggested. Nearly half of all burn injuries involved hot grease. Such injuries can be prevented by providing handles on scrapers and other cleaning tools, providing appropriate gloves, allowing grease to cool before it is moved, and training employees in safe work practices, among other precautions, NIOSH suggested. More than half of all fall injuries were related to wet or greasy floors. It is important to use slip-resistant floor materials and to keep floors dry and well maintained, NIOSH said. More than half of all fall injuries were related to wet or greasy floors. It is important to use slip-resistant floor materials and to keep floors dry and well maintained, NIOSH said. By age, 17-year-olds suffered the highest proportion of injuries among teens working in fast food (55 percent), followed by 16- year-olds (38 percent). By age, 17-year-olds suffered the highest proportion of injuries among teens working in fast food (55 percent), followed by 16- year-olds (38 percent). The majority of injuries to teen workers in fast food restaurants occurred in hamburger restaurants (52.6 percent), followed by pizza restaurants (12.6 percent) and chicken/fish restaurants (11.7 percent). The majority of injuries to teen workers in fast food restaurants occurred in hamburger restaurants (52.6 percent), followed by pizza restaurants (12.6 percent) and chicken/fish restaurants (11.7 percent).
Fast Food Cook Wage
Turnover Rate: Employer Factors Employers spend an average of $500 to replace lost staff Higher-paying jobs tend to have lower turnover rates. Full-time positions tend to retain employees longer, employees are more likely to stick with jobs that offer benefits such as a 401(k), health insurance or educational incentives.
Key Terms “Just Add Water” Minimum Wage 6 th Grade Level instructions High Injury Rate Foodservice Equipment Conference “Zero Training” High Employee turnover % Labor Stroking Teenage Workforce
1) Do you believe that increasing minimum wage will have a greater effect on Fast food Managers to lower their labor % and therefore put their workers in an unsafe working condition? 1) Should Managers be held accountable for unsafe working conditions do to lack of training? 2) Why are fast food restaurants willing to pay more in the training of new employees, due to high turnover, rather then pay current employees more?