TIC Updates EDDI 2010 Wendy Thomas – 6 Dec 2010. Schedule and Process Changes Production schedule is moving to: – Summer / Winter release schedule January.


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Presentation transcript:

TIC Updates EDDI 2010 Wendy Thomas – 6 Dec 2010

Schedule and Process Changes Production schedule is moving to: – Summer / Winter release schedule January / July release of review versions DDI 3.2 review version scheduled for Feb 2011 Working on groups of related bugs and entering as resolved – Development site for revised schema with related bug list of entered (closed) and resolved bugs Revising the structure of Part I and II of the Technical Specification (documentation)

DDI 2.5 The purpose of DDI 2.5 is to capture a number of elements found in a simple study in 3.0 and to provide a means of capturing information that will aid in round-trip translation between DDI 2 and DDI 3 and make use of controlled vocabularies. Review version of DDI 2.5 will be released shortly

DDI 3.2 Record Relationship Agency, Version, ID and URN Consistency issues (being able to consistent include schemes in topical modules inline and by reference Missing Values Data Item (for reuse and comparison purposes) Geographic structures: Issues of reusability, applied use and relationship to variables More consistent support for controlled vocabularies

Data Relationship / Record Relationship Original record relationship followed DDI 2 assumption that the link field was the same in each record DDI 3.0 and 3.1 required capturing information in a note field to adequately define the relationship DDI 3.2 provides the following for BOTH the Source and Target record in the relationship – LogicalRecordReference – LinkVariableReference

Agency, Version, ID and URN Fixing schema structure so that each section is stated once and then used to construct URN Loosening up restrictions put in place in DDI 3.1 to support real life applications Registering with DNS and establishing a DDI agency name registry and service

The Proposed URN in DDI 3.2 urn=“urn:ddi:us.mpc:VariableScheme: VarSch01:1.4.0:Variable:V1:1.1.0” Tighter constraints on the structure of ID, Version, and Agency in 3.1 were based on the use of a “.” to separate the parts of an object description. Changing the “.” separator between the object name, object id, and object version to “:” allows greater flexibility in the content of each individual item The proposed relaxation of ID, Version, and Agency structures better supports current software and business practice S08Slide - 29 Learning DDI: Pack S08 Copyright © GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, 2010 Published under Creative Commons Attribute-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported

The following maintainables can now be included inline or by reference in: DataCollection – QuestionSchemeReference – ControlConstructSchemeReference – InterviewInstructionSchemeReference – InstrumentReference PhysicalDataProduct – PhysicalStructureSchemeReference – RecordLayoutSchemeReference Archive – OrganizationSchemeReference

Missing Values Separation of Missing Value content from response values Eliminates the need to create CodeSchemes combining Valid Values and Missing Values in a single CodeScheme reducing the number of CodeSchemes created when moving from Question ResponseDomains to Variable Representation.

Data Element Based on an ISO/IEC Data Element Purpose is to capture the reusable base of a variable for both reuse and initial comparison Contains – Concept – Universe (broadest applicable universe) – Optional representation Referenced by a Variable, the variable can constrain the Universe and representation

SDI Questionnaire Development – Allows for tracking of process steps – Identifies who, what, when, and why of development Sampling Design – Captures reusable sample frames and information on their limitations and maintenance – Captures reusable sample methodologies – Captures the applied use of a sample frame and methodology within a specific study

DDI 3.3 and beyond There will probably be a 3.21 or 3.3 publication in Summer 2011 Once 3.2 is out the door we will begin on creating a testable version of SDI work Long term structural review to improve the ability to use only those sections required for specific use cases at different points of the life cycle