1 Transforming to an E-Gov Environment - Has it proven its value? This presentation is released to informed interested parties of ongoing research and to encourage discussion of work in progress. Any views on statistical, methodological, technical, or operational issues are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the U.S. Census Bureau. Presented by Thomas L. Mesenbourg Deputy Director October 2008
2 Presentation Outline History Objectives Electronic Reporting Strategies Electronic Reporting Rates Lessons Learned Is Electronic Reporting Cost Efficient
3 Electronic Reporting Objectives Transform to an E-Gov environment Provide value-added services to businesses Facilitate and accelerate reporting Improve data quality and reduce processing costs
4 Electronic Reporting Strategies Different solutions for different programs Generalized vs. Custom Systems Contracted vs. In-house Development Four development paths
5 Generalized Instrument Design Economic Census, Report of Organization, ASM Generalized, designs paper and electronic instruments, meta data driven Developed by private contractor Downloadable CSAQ, import and export capabilities Complex, long development time Expensive to develop and support Users require assistance and support Handles 550 different economic census forms, complex reporting, and authentication; provides import and export functionality Too costly and complicated for most surveys
6 Census Taker Seven current surveys use web-based instruments Generalized, web-based, simple meta data Developed by IT Directorate Quick development, inexpensive, minimal support Easy to use, minimal user support required Can not easily handle surveys with large number of different forms or complex reporting arrangements No import and export capabilities
7 Automated Export System Electronic filing of export declaration Customized, contractor developed, no meta data Mainframe and web-based application Long development time, enhancements, slow to implement Very low development costs, but substantial fee-based charges and support services Cost effective, and mandatory electronic reporting Enhancements require multiple agency agreement
8 Government Division Surveys Four quarterly/annual surveys use web- based instrument Fast, inexpensive development, modest support High participation rates Not generalized, won’t easily support surveys with large number of forms No import, export capability
9 Electronic Filing Rates SurveyFrequency Report of Organization (GIDS)Annual8.0%14.0%16.5%29.7% Annual Survey of Manufacturers (GIDS)Annual7.1%11.3%15.9%20.4% Quarterly Financial Report (GIDS)Quarterly15.4%23.2% Manufacturers’ Shipments, Inventories, and Orders (Census Taker) Monthly17.4%19.7%22.6%22.8% Annual Retail Trade Survey (Census Taker)Annual20.0%24.2%26.1% Annual Wholesale Trade Survey (Census Taker)Annual27.0%30.8%26.9% Annual Capital Expenditures Survey (Census Taker)Annual37.1%39.4% Information and Communication Technology Survey (Census Taker) Annual39.1%42.3% Quarterly Services Survey (Census Taker)Quarterly36.0%41.6%45.0%49.2% Quarterly Financial Report (Census Taker)Quarterly48.7%52.1% Annual Survey of Government EmploymentAnnual43.3%50.9%50.8% Annual Survey of State and Local FinancesAnnual47.4%49.0% Quarterly Survey of State and Local Government Tax Collections Quarterly12.9%25.6%39.6%39.9% Finances of Selected State and Local Governments Public Retirement Systems Quarterly76.5%74.6%71.6%59.0%
10 Lessons Learned Software must provide tangible benefits to respondents No single solution for every program –establishment-based surveys and surveys with a large number of different report forms –company based surveys generally much simpler Electronic reporting related research paying dividends Development and support costs generally substantial, especially for large complex programs Require business case analysis before undertaking project
11 The Future Using primarily Web-based applications deliver instruments that provide increased functionality and facilitate and ease reporting Continued expansion of electronic reporting for economic surveys Begin offering electronic reporting for demographic and household surveys including the American Community and the Current Population Surveys
12 Is Electronic Reporting Cost Efficient? Simple answer is yes A year ago we would have had to say the results were mixed Opinion changed given AES and our recent successes with the Economic Census and our current surveys Automated Export System has demonstrated cost savings, improvements in quality, and reduction in burden Electronic reporting for the 2007 Economic Census –response increased by almost 70% –cost per case decreased by more than 40% - $12.50 vs. $21.50 –savings associated with design of paper instruments, printing, postage, and data capture bring it very close to break-even Cost structures associated with Census Taker and our other web-based surveys are now beginning to be cost efficient and the potential to save is real.