A symbol is a picture or image that stands for something else WHAT IS A SYMBOL??? What does this picture stand for ? Symbols also have meanings associated with them.
We see symbols around us all the time!!! WHAT IS A SYMBOL???
SYMBOL MEANING?? What is this picture? What does it mean? How does it make you feel?
1. What does your symbol stand for? 2. What does your symbol mean? 3. Is your symbol negative or positive or neutral? Why? SYMBOLS ALL AROUND US
What symbols do we see in Number the Stars ??? SYMBOLS IN NUMBER THE STARS
SWASTIKA What does this picture represent? Is this s positive or a negative symbol?
What does this represent in the book? Is it a positive or a negative symbol? STAR OF DAVID
DE FRIE DANSKE – THE FREE DANES What does this newspaper represent?
SEASHELL GIFT What does Peter’s gift of a seashell represent? Why is it important to Annemarie?
What does Sweden represent to the Jews in Denmark? SWEDEN
SYMBOLISM! Why do you think authors use symbols in the books or stories they write? Can you think of another symbol in Number the Stars?