Group 5 Chapter 4 Kouri Nago Robert Sawinski Connor Sato Marcus Ornelles Alex Schab
The Shot Heard Around the World When: In the morning of April 19, 1775 Paul Revere's Ride o "The British are coming!" 38 men against 6 or 8 hundred armed citizens and militia o under Captain Parker "Don't fire unless fired on" The first shpt was fired, but no one knows from which side 7 of Parker's men were dead and 9 badly wounded
Loyalists Loyalists were people that lived in America, but stayed loyal to Great Britain. Their strength was in the rural section of New York and in the North Carolina back country-church leaders. When their cause was defeated, about 20% of the Loyalists fled to other parts of the British Empire.
Francis Marion Francis "The Swamp Fox" Marion was born on 1734 in Berkeley, South Carolina. He was in the service from 1757 to During that period, he served as a military officer in the American Revolutionary War.After the war Marion returned home to his plantation to find out that it had been burned down during the war and his slaves ran away to fight for the British. He had to borrow money to restock his plantation with slaves. In 1795, at age 63, he was found dead in his room by his wife and cousin Mary Esther Videau.
American Revolution The American Revolutionary War (1775–1783) or the American War of Independence began in 1775 over a dispute between the Parliament of Great Britain and colonists opposed to the Stamp Act of It started off as a war between the Kingdom of Great Britain and thirteen British colonies in North America, and ended in a global war between several European great powers. In 1783, the end of the was established by the signing of the Treaty of Paris.
The purpose of the Second Continental Congress The purpose of the first continental congress was to stop the Coercive acts that King George III had imposed on them. In turn the Americans responded by placing a boycott on British goods. The purpose of the second continental congress was to have the leaders of the thirteen colonies come together and rise against King George III. Also their purpose was to take hold of the war situation in hopes to improve it. The Americans were having great amounts of success for the first few months such as driving out royal officers and besieging the British army in Boston.
Who was John Locke, and Thomas Hobbes John Locke was known as the father of Liberlism. He was also a English philospher. He was also one of the few who was influencing the enlightenment thinkers. he was also a very good writer. Thomas Hobbes was a English Philosopher, he was known for his political thoughts. He had a problem with social and economic order, because he had a problem with human beings fighting too much when theycan live together peacefully
picture of John Locke, and Thomas Hobbes John Locke Thomas Hobbes
Who's words did Thomas Jefferson use to make the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jeffersom borrowed John Locke's words for the declaration of independence these words demonstrated that back then people really never had the pursuit of happiness so jefferson said that because they were under a great deal of pressure, ad felt the people were not living their lived that they wanted.
The Declaration of Independence Establish on July 4, Was the day that the US declared independence from Britain and democracy was born. The declaration of independence was designed for all Americans and established for all Americans. It gave rights to everyone no matter how poor nor how rich or what race or gender they were. The declaration of independence was most importantly the start of a new lifestyle for all Americans.
The Boston Tea Party The boston tea party was a direct action form the colonists in boston. They rebeled against the british government because of the high tea tax. A group of colonists boarded the ships and destroyed the tea on the ship by throwing it into the boston harbor. this was the first moverment against Britian.
The American Victory One key factor to American Victory was the French Blockade because this prevented the British from getting supplies and things to their troops on the front-line. The Americans also had a style of attack and warfare against the British. While British lined up in a straight line the colonists used gorilla tactics to take down the British. The colonists had very skilled and knowledgeable officers.The Americans were skilled and familiar with the terrain which gave them the advantage.