1. nutrients - substances in foods that provide energy and materials for cell development, growth, and repair 2. energy -needed for activities - amount.


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Presentation transcript:

1. nutrients - substances in foods that provide energy and materials for cell development, growth, and repair 2. energy -needed for activities - amount depends on body mass, age, and activity level 3. calorie -measures the amount of energy available in food - the amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water 1 ° C. - carrots = 30 cal, cheese pizza = 170 cal

4. 6 kinds of nutrients 1.proteins 2.carbohydrates 3.fats 4.vitamins 5.minerals 6.water 5. organic vs. inorganic nutrients organicinorganic -proteins- water - carbohydrates- minerals - vitamins- no carbon -fats- can be absorbed directly - contain carbon into bloodstream -foods with these must be digested

6. proteins -used for replacement and repair of body cells and for growth - large molecules that contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sometimes sulfur - made of amino acids (20 amino acids can make thousands of proteins) 7. essential amino acids - cannot be made in body’s cells, must get them from the food you eat 8. complete proteins -provide all the essential amino acids - eggs, milk, cheese, and meat

9. carbohydrates -main sources of energy for your body - made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms held together by energy - when they are broken down, they release energy - 3 types: - sugars- simple carbs - starch- complex carbs - fiber- complex carbs 10. sugars -table sugar, fruits, honey, and milk 11. starches -found in potatoes and foods made from grains like pasta - made of chains of simple sugars

12. fiber -found in the cell walls of plant cells - cereals, beans, peas, and fruits and vegetables - cannot be digested but needed to keep digestive system working 13. fats -also called lipids - provide energy and help body absorb vitamins - one gram of fat can release twice as much energy as one gram of carbohydrate - extra energy is converted to fat and stored for later 14. unsaturated fats -usually liquid at room temperature - vegetable oil and fats found in seeds

15. saturated fat -found in meats, animal products, and some plants - usually solid at room temperature - associated with high levels of blood cholesterol- leads to heart disease and stroke 16. vitamins -organic nutrients needed in small quantities for growth, regulating body functions, and preventing some diseases - D= used by bones, made by skin when in sunlight - K= used by blood to clot, made by bacteria in large intestine - 2 types: water-soluble (must be taken daily) and fat-soluble (stored by your body)

17. minerals -inorganic nutrients - body uses 14 minerals - take part in chemical reactions, send nerve impulses throughout your body, and carry oxygen to body cells - calcium and phosphorous used the most 18. water -body is 60% water by weight - 2/3 found in cells, rest is around cells and in body fluids - lose water through perspiration - need to drink 2 liters of liquids each day 19. homeostasis -the regulation of the body’s internal environment - body tells you when you need more water= thirst

20. food group -foods that contain the same type of nutrient -5 groups: 1. bread and cereal- 6 to 11 servings 2. vegetables- 3 to 5 servings 3. fruit- 2 to 4 servings 4. milk- 2 to 3 servings 5. meat- 2 to 3 servings