Introduction to the IB Community Project Piedmont Middle School -An IB World School
WHO completes the IB Community Project? As an 8 th grader, you (or a small group of 2 or 3 friends) will complete this project. What you do NOW can help prepare you for this in 8 th grade!
WHAT is the IB Community Project? The Community Project is an ongoing community service activity where you will focus on one area of interest in which YOU can make a positive impact. You will experience the responsibility of completing a community service activity throughout your 8 th grade school year.
What is a “Community”? A community is a group of people living, working, or playing together. Some communities are small and others large. Examples of communities are: your neighborhood, your class, your school, your city, your state, your region, your country, OUR WORLD!
WHERE do you complete the IB Community Project? This part is up to you (and/or your group). It depends on the community you want to impact. (Each project will be unique.) o EXAMPLES: place of worship, community centers, shelters, school, parks, assisted living homes, etc…
WHEN will I work on the IB Community Project? This CAN start the summer before your 8 th grade year, or when you start 8 th grade. However, the connections you are making now OR have already made by completing 6 th and 7 th Community and Service hours, can help make this project easier if you: Stay in contact with the supervisors of CS hours you earn now/ have gotten. Seek out places to get hours NOW that relate to your interests Plan ahead!
WHY do we have to do the IB Community Project? You are actually helping yourself when you work to maintain and preserve your community. Unfortunately, it is true that many people do not care about their community, but you do not have to think that way.
WHY do we have to do the IB Community Project? It is important that you learn to care about your community in order to improve the quality of life for yourself and others. Sometimes it is easy to be selfish and to think about oneself. We all do it some of the time, but just imagine what the world would be like if we did it all the time!
WHY do we have to do the IB Community Project? (continued) The fact is, we are all members of many communities, and as members, we have to share in the responsibility of making sure that they are the best possible communities in which to live! It is a REQUIREMENT of the IB Program!
HOW will I complete the IB Community Project as an 8 th Grader? 1.Identify a need within your community where you would love to make a difference. 2.Investigate and create an action plan on how you can contribute to it. 3.Make a connection to an IB global context. 4.Create a process journal that documents and reflects upon your experience. 5.Meet with your mentor to review your project details. 6.Execute your action plan! 7.Present your service project.
What should I do now…?
What should I do RIGHT NOW? 1.Create a folder in your Google Drive and call it “IB Community Project”. (You will keep this folder through 8 th grade!) 2.In that folder, create a Google Doc and title it “Community Project Ideas”.
What should I do now? (continued…) 3.On your document, list any community and service activities that you have already completed. 4.Now, pick one (or more) of the activities you listed and explain: WHO you impacted… WHY you enjoyed it…
What should I do now? (continued…) 5.From your last response, would you like to continue making that same impact? If YES, then think of some additional ways to continue making an impact with that community. -For example: If you have already served food at a homeless shelter, what else could you do on a bigger scale to make a difference? Start your own clothing drive for the shelter, knit blankets for the people, raise money/ gather toys for the kids, etc..) If NO, look at the examples on the next slide to help you…
Ideas… To raise awareness for _______ (animals, bullying, etc…) To raise money for ______ (shelters, kids, animals, etc…) To help with ______ (the environment, senior citizens, kids with special needs, etc…) To advocate for ______ (your neighborhood, a special club or organization, the environment, etc…) To use your special talent to _______ (teach elderly how to use new technology, sing at benefits to raise awareness, knit items to donate, etc…)
Here are a few broader topics that may also interest you: Religion Education Child care Immigration LGBTQ Individuals with disabilities Safety Food Poverty Hunger Violence Music Health Government Voting
Research Time! Use the rest of this time to research possible ideas, communities, locations, websites, etc… and be sure to copy-and-paste any links you may need in the future into your Google Doc that you already made! Good Luck!