Module 2 From Curriculum to Compelling Learning
2Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 1 By the end of the session, you will: know what is meant by compelling learning experiences understand the range and scope of learning outside the classroom opportunities understand the benefits of building learning outside the classroom into the curriculum.
3Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 1 You will do this by: analysing case studies analysing how learning outside the classroom can help meet a school’s Every Child Matters (ECM) agenda considering how learning outside the classroom contributes to personal learning and thinking skills.
4Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 1 What is a compelling learning experience? ‘A compelling learning experience is a real and relevant context for learning through which young people recognise for themselves the importance of learning to their lives now and in the future.’ Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (2007)
5Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 1 A compelling learning experience: has clear learning outcomes is real and relevant has a real audience and purpose provides contexts that draw together several aspects of learning gives learners a sense of autonomy offers opportunities for cooperation and collaboration broadens horizons and raises aspirations. Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (2007)
6Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 1 Location of learning outside the classroom What activities does this icon bring to mind? What do you think young people could learn from participating? What did they learn? Was it successful? Why/why not? Icon 1 | A4 A magnifying glass Icon 3 | C4 A farmer’s market Icon 3 | E5 A tent
7Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 1 Every Child Matters Be Healthy Stay Safe Enjoy and Achieve Make a Positive Contribution Achieve Economic Wellbeing
8Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 1 Be Healthy/ Stay Safe Enjoy and Achieve Positive Contribution/ Economic Wellbeing Home group 1 Home group 2 Home group 3 Home group 4
9Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 1 What personal, learning and thinking skills do you want your young people to develop? Effective thinking Team work Reflective learning Leadership Independent thinking Creative thinking Self-management
10Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 1 Think about learning outside the classroom activities that could take place:
11Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 1 Enjoyment Confidence Social awareness Environmental awareness Activity skills Personal qualities Key skills Health and fitness Increased motivation and appetite for learning Broadened horizons
12Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 1 By the end of the session, you will: know what is meant by compelling learning experiences understand the range and scope of learning outside the classroom opportunities understand the benefits of building learning outside the classroom into the curriculum.
13Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 2 What is a compelling learning experience? ‘We believe that every young person should experience the world beyond the classroom as an essential part of learning and personal development, whatever their age, ability or circumstances.’ Learning Outside the Classroom Manifesto
14Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 2 By the end of the session, you will: have identified the strengths, shortcomings, scope for moving forward and snags to progress in your school/department’s current learning outside the classroom provision have begun to look forward at how you can tailor learning outside the classroom to meet the aims of your school /department/key stage.
15Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 2 You will do this by: producing an audit of existing learning outside the classroom provision in your school/department/ key stage identifying the current contribution of learning outside the classroom to the aims of your school/department/ key stage looking at how learning outside the classroom can help meet (some of) your school/department/ key stage aims carrying out an analysis of current provision.
16Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 2
17Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 2 Does most learning outside the classroom fall into one particular category? If there are any gaps, where are they? Who could be approached to fill in these gaps? Is the learning compelling and is it achieving the results you prioritised in the Diamond 9 on page 7 of your resource book? Is your learning outside the classroom provision linked to any of the following? Whole school aims, pupil entitlement, cross-curricular themes and projects. Could there be learning outside the classroom going on that you do not know about and, if so, could you audit this? Is learning outside the classroom mapped in your school? If so, who contributes to the recording and mapping of provision? If not, who could do so? How could the above information be used to influence future planning?
18Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 2 How does learning outside the classroom contribute to meeting the aims of your school/department/key stage? Are there gaps? Do you currently run learning outside the classroom activities that were hard for you to plot on the grid? Could this mean that you need to question the relevance of some activities? How could you use this information to inform future planning?
19Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 2 Using 4S model
20Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 2 By the end of the session, you will: have identified the strengths, shortcomings, scope for moving forward and snags to progress in your school/department’s current learning outside the classroom provision have begun to look forward at how you can tailor learning outside the classroom to meet the aims of your school/department/key stage.
21Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 3 By the end of the session, you will: have a vision of where you want to go with learning outside the classroom be able to recognise the characteristics of an effective learning outside the classroom curriculum have established how you will make the most of your resources have identified ways of building learning outside the classroom into your curriculum.
22Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 3 You will do this by: considering the type of activity that you may or may not want to include in your learning outside the classroom provision and the reasons why/why not considering your school’s current use of resources and how you would like to use them considering how the views of all stakeholders could inform your planning.
23Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 3 Allocate the following roles to members of your group: 1. A young person who will be participating in the activity if it goes ahead. 2. The member of staff/public who has put the idea forward. 3. A school governor who believes that taking young people out of the classroom disrupts their learning. 4. The member of staff responsible for curriculum planning.
24Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 3 Three of your aims are: 1 ) to improve the thinking skills of all young people 2) to improve behaviour with particular regard to boys 3) to improve links with the wider community.
25Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 3 Time element Time is allocated by timetabling software, with set lesson time allocated to specific subject areas throughout the whole school. Time is used flexibly to meet learning needs with full-day or week- long experiences built in across the school. Young people have the opportunity to create their own timetable. Where are we now? Where do we want to be? How will we get there? Moving towards a more personalised and flexible curriculum that better meets the needs, interests and aspirations of all young people
26Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 3 People element People Learning outside the classroom is seen as being imposed, with staff lacking in confidence to work in settings outside the classroom, afraid of the consequences of going off-site. People Learning outside the classroom is developed by the whole community and a range of people are involved in teaching. Staff feel confident about organising Learning Outside the Classroom and young people are involved in the planning process. Where are we now? Where do we want to be? How will we get there? Moving towards a more personalised and flexible curriculum that better meets the needs, interests and aspirations of all young people
27Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 3 Timetable challenge
28Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 3 By the end of the session, you will: have a vision of where you want to go with learning outside the classroom be able to recognise the characteristics of an effective learning outside the classroom curriculum have established how you will make the most of your resources have identified ways of building learning outside the classroom into your curriculum.
29Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 4 ‘We have moved forward through reflection, evaluations, teamwork and CPD.’
30Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 4 ‘The adults have had a remarkable and challenging journey…’
31Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 4 ‘...but it is a rewarding one.’
32Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 4 ‘Our school grounds are far from extensive… ’
33Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 4 ‘ we applied to the council for an allotment.’
34Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 4 ‘The children’s parents turned out to be our greatest resource.’
35Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 4 ‘The children are completely involved in the development of the nursery site.’
36Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 4 By the end of the session, you will: have identified several means by which to measure and assess the impact of learning outside the classroom have ideas of how to monitor learning outside the classroom effectively.
37Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 4 You will do this by: using the QCA degrees of success resource sheet to identify successful learning outside the classroom in your school as a whole developing means of encouraging individuals to monitor the success of their own learning outside the classroom activities.
38Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 4 Outcomes Enjoyment Confidence Social awareness Environmental awareness Activity skills Personal qualities Key skills Health and fitness Increased motivation and appetite for learning Broadened horizons
39Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning How am I doing? How am I feeling? Module 2 | Session 4 NameDate School/Group Record how you feel or how you think you are doing on the chart by drawing a line at the level that best describes how you feel or how you are doing. Good, great, positive. Bad, unhappy, unsure The Chuff Chart
40Module 2. From Curriculum to Compelling Learning Module 2 | Session 4 By the end of the session, you will: have identified several means by which to measure and assess the impact of learning outside the classroom have ideas of how to monitor learning outside the classroom effectively.