WHAT IS DESIGN? Design refers to a plan for the construction of an object (as in architectural blueprints, circuit diagrams and sewing patterns) and to design refers to making this plan
TYPES OF DESIGN Product design Building design Fashion design Brand design Graphic design
PRINCIPLE OF DESIGN Balance Rhythm Emphasis Unity Proportion
WHAT IS THE GOLDEN SECTION? The Golden Section is a ratio based on a phi The ratio is 1.618….
GOLDEN RATIO This ratio has been used by mankind for centuries Its use may have started as early as with the Egyptians in the design of the pyramids. It also appears in the physical proportions of the human body, movements in the stock market and many other aspects of life and the universe.
RHYTHM COMPOSITION Rhythm is based on repetition, but requires more similar elements than does repetition. A small number of similar elements will be perceived as a single group, but rhythm requires enough similar elements to be perceived as several related groups. The repetitive groups must have some variation to achieve rhythm. The most common way to achieve rhythm is with common shapes. Rhythm can evoke an emotional response, e.g., curvilinear forms can calm whereas angular lines can stimulate.