Standards, Rubric, Commentaries, and Student Work Presenter: Wendy Perry, Ed.D. 1
Research John Hattie reviewed thousands of studies on learning and instruction and concluded that: “The most powerful single moderator that enhances achievement is feedback.” Hattie, J. (1999, 2Aug.) “Influences on Student Learning, “ Inaugural lecture: Professor of Education, University of Auckland. 2
Standards Based Bulletin Boards Artifacts Artifacts are something tangible resulting from an action. 3
Evidence Proof that an action happened in a deep and meaningful way Student work is indicative of Standards-based instruction. Students know where they are in relation to the identified goals. Students can identify next steps needed to meet the standard. Students understand and use teacher commentary to revise their work. Teachers utilize a visual display as an instructional tool to display work that meets standards. Students use rubrics and benchmarks to self assess and determine next step Students can articulate the standard on which they are working. 4
1.) Standards based teacher commentary on student work. 2.) Bulletin boards that display standards, elements and tasks 3.) Rubric/scoring criteria 4.) Analyzed student work with commentary 5.) Standards-based Displays Protocol for Student Work Public Display 5
Main Idea and Supporting Details Sample Commentary Teacher Commentary Performance Task: Identify the main idea of a passage from text leveled book and use textual evidence for supporting details. Circumstance of Performance: Independent_____ Teacher Conference______ Partner_____ Peer Conference ______ Whole group______ IF_____ Buddy Flex______ Other_______ Teacher Comments: ____________work demonstrates his/her understanding of identifying the main idea and supporting details in a literary text. You were able to accurately site textual evidence. Your work meets the standard for this assignments. Score__4____ =100/A 6