Back to bus ness! Integration and re-integration to the jobmarket in Akranes i y
Cooperation is the key… Akranes Municipality Akranes Social Services “Skagastaðir” – Youth Activation Center “Hver” – Rehabilitation Center “Fjöliðjan” – Sheltered workshop and habilitation Center “Búkolla” – Second-hand Store Directorate of Labour West-Iceland Vocational Rehabilitation “Virk” – Vocational Rehabilitation Fund The Social Insurance Administration West-Iceland Lifelong Learning Center
Different needs People with disabilities Young people with little job experience People re-entering the job market after injuries or sickness Newcomers in the job market immigrants Long term unemployed people Recipients of Social Benefits – for all sorts of reasons
Hver – Rehabilitation Center Intended for people that have lost their leading role in life through all kind of sickness, trauma, accident´s, long-term unemployment etc. The institution is divided into two parts basic rehabilitation Shelter/functionality center Goal: To help people find their role again and stay active and involved
Basic timetable – Personalized
Hver – Rehabilitation Center Training and Coaching Empowerment Individual goal setting Socialising Assisting with getting jobs according to abilities, often with support from the Social Insurance Administration. Work trials - to measure abilities, endurance etc. Co-operation with “Búkolla” – Second-hand Shop
Búkolla - Second-hand Shop Group of people from Hver started the second-hand Shop in the beginning of the year 2009 in co-operation with Fjöliðjan. They wanted real project and something meaningful to do, Today 15 people work in Búkolla in some form. 6 are in payed jobs (5 through support contracts) 2 senior citizens volunteers 3 are in work trials 4 come from Fjöliðjan once or twice a week.
Skagastaðir - Activation Center Young unemployed people (18-30) Cooperation between the municipality and the Directorate of Labour Courses in searching and applying for jobs Guidance in preparing applications and CV´s Interviews and Follow-up interviews Mandatory participation in activities Activity logs Long term unemployed people (30+) The goal is to keep people active and actively searching for a job. NEW
Skagastaðir - Activation Center Recipients of Social Benefits Those able to work – Job search or creation Activity group – Evaluation of abilities Waiting group – Waiting for other systems Activities Physical exercise (Swimming or the Gym) The Library Fab-Lab Crafts Interviews Working on applications
Fjöliðjan Sheltered workshop Work for intellectually and physically disabled people Simple work and habilitation Job training Gateway to Supported employment Habilitation Center Physical habilitation and rehabilitation