Chapter 1: Introduction to Police Administration
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Most Pressing Contemporary Concerns Increases in serious and violent crime, including increased gang activity Increases in serious and violent crime, including increased gang activity Terrorism and homeland security Terrorism and homeland security
Principles of Peelian Reform Organize along military lines Organize along military lines Recruit and train proper persons Recruit and train proper persons Hire on probationary basis Hire on probationary basis Deploy personnel by time and area Deploy personnel by time and area Headquarters centrally located Headquarters centrally located Record/documentation keeping essential Record/documentation keeping essential
Eras of American Policing Political Political Professional Professional Community Community
Social Context Disagreement about police objectives Disagreement about police objectives Changing opinions and priorities Changing opinions and priorities Shared responsibility for crime control Shared responsibility for crime control Heterogeneity, diversity Heterogeneity, diversity
Political Context Checks and balances Checks and balances Separation of powers Separation of powers Federalism Federalism Regional variation Regional variation
Legal Context Criminal law Criminal law Constitutional law Constitutional law New duties and responsibilities through legislation New duties and responsibilities through legislation Constraint and regulation by law Constraint and regulation by law Civil liability Civil liability
Challenge of Police Administration Democratic nature of society Democratic nature of society Implications for: Implications for: –Ways we police society –Role of police –Police administration
Community-Oriented Police Administration Organizational Philosophy Organizational Philosophy Stresses Problem Solving Stresses Problem Solving Stresses Autonomy and Accountability Stresses Autonomy and Accountability Quality versus Quantity Quality versus Quantity
Homeland Security Additional mission for law enforcement agencies Additional mission for law enforcement agencies Reallocation of resources Reallocation of resources Interactions with new and different federal agencies and the military Interactions with new and different federal agencies and the military Traditional role plus new emphases on safety and security Traditional role plus new emphases on safety and security
Ten Principles Police are a general-purpose agency Police are a general-purpose agency Police get their authority from multiple sources & are accountable to them Police get their authority from multiple sources & are accountable to them Overriding objectives are protection of life and property and maintenance of order Overriding objectives are protection of life and property and maintenance of order Primary objective is always protection of life Primary objective is always protection of life
Ten Principles (cont.) Police are rightly constrained in the methods they can use Police are rightly constrained in the methods they can use Police should provide equal service and not discriminate Police should provide equal service and not discriminate Police employ force but always as last resort Police employ force but always as last resort Ethics and legal standards must guide police decisions/actions Ethics and legal standards must guide police decisions/actions Police have a special responsibility to protect the least fortunate and most vulnerable Police have a special responsibility to protect the least fortunate and most vulnerable
Chapter 2: The Nature of Police Work
Rise of Organized Policing Response to industrialization Response to industrialization Response to urbanization Response to urbanization Control of dangerous classes Control of dangerous classes Response to civil disorder Response to civil disorder
Early Police Duties Controlling alcoholics, vagrants Controlling alcoholics, vagrants Controlling gambling, prostitution Controlling gambling, prostitution Controlling riots, disturbances, crowds Controlling riots, disturbances, crowds Watching for fires Watching for fires Maintaining basic public health Maintaining basic public health Inspecting businesses, taverns Inspecting businesses, taverns Licensing peddlers, transporters Licensing peddlers, transporters
Evolution Toward Crime Fighting Changing public expectations Changing public expectations Greater influence of legal norms Greater influence of legal norms Reform era of American government Reform era of American government Search for professional status Search for professional status Modern technology Modern technology Action-oriented American culture Action-oriented American culture Influence of media Influence of media
Importance of Discretion Police would always be in court Police would always be in court Lack of full enforcement intent by lawmakers Lack of full enforcement intent by lawmakers Some laws are vague Some laws are vague Most law violations are minor Most law violations are minor Public would be alienated/resentful Public would be alienated/resentful Courts and corrections would be overwhelmed Courts and corrections would be overwhelmed Other police duties, limited resources Other police duties, limited resources
Studies of Patrol Workload Police Services Study (encounters) Police Services Study (encounters) –38% crime-related –22% disorder –22% traffic –18% service