ASB Baseline Findings Working with residents and communities to tackle ASB Chris Grose ASB Advisor Chartered Institute of Housing
The purpose of the baseline survey Building a comprehensive picture of how landlords work with tenants to improve and shape services Informing and tailoring the ASB advisor’s approach in working with landlords and tenants Supporting and influencing national policy and practice agendas Identifying innovative and effective practice examples
Methodology and who participated Online survey (May 2011) Members of CIH, HouseMark, SLCNG, RESPECT signatories and ASB Advisor contacts were invited to participate 114 respondents A wide variety of landlords took part Practice examples provided by CIH ASB Action Team and HouseMark
The findings Tenant and resident involvement Customer profiling Shaping services with tenants and residents Tenant and resident activism Planning for the future Good practice and information sharing
Tenant and resident involvement Methods of engagement
Tenant and resident involvement Involved tenants
Tenant and resident activism Current initiatives
Planning for the future The introduction of Police Crime Commissioners 91% of respondents were aware of the introduction of the Police Crime Commissioner’s in 2012 However, 64% of those who completed the survey did not have a clear understanding of what the role of the PCC will be Only 7% of respondents stated that they have started to work at a strategic level with key partners to plan and organise how they will work with their PCC
Challenges ahead Preparing for the new tools and powers Managing expectations Maintaining good quality services whilst making efficiency savings Improving tenant scrutiny and further involvement in shaping services
Using the Baseline to move forward Continue to work with landlords in developing ASB services with tenants and residents Maintain strong communications with government departments such as the Home Office and the DCLG Continue to work at the national level alongside SLCNG, HouseMark and tenant organisations Identify and promote good and innovative approaches in tackling ASB
Contact information ASB Action Team homepage and referral form: CIH ASB Practice Hub Enquiries to : Come and join in with the ASB Action Team at the CIH Stand, Hall B at 14.00