The final chapter
An improved WA model ◦ Incorporates key features of “White Paper” Quality Sending District Accountability Choice Accountability Oversight ◦ Addresses courses as well as full-time schools ◦ Addresses the primary issues raised over the past 5 years of virtual charter school debate
Washington’s governance structure Colorado’s hierarchy of terminology Kansas’ financial transparency
Delineates between a… Virtual instruction course Virtual instruction program Authorizer of a virtual instruction program Multidistrict virtual instruction program
Gives authority to the OR Department of Education, approved by the State Board of Education, to develop an approval process for multi-district virtual instruction programs and courses offered through the Office of Virtual Instruction Incorporates all accountability, quality, and financial transparency criteria from SB767 and HB 3660 Establishes virtual instruction advisory committee
◦ Absorbs current Oregon Virtual School District ◦ Offer approved courses from providers ◦ Develops and maintains website that Provides objective information for students, parents, and educators regarding virtual instruction Information on approved multi-district virtual instruction programs and course providers How to register for virtual instruction programs and courses Teacher qualifications Student-to-teacher ratios Course completion rates Other evaluative and comparative information
Department of Education to develop model policies and procedures, in consultation with stakeholders, that may be used by school district boards to develop virtual instruction policies Requires all school district boards to develop policies and procedures regarding student access to virtual instruction courses and programs
District is “strongly encouraged to honor parent request” to enroll in a multidistrict virtual instruction program outside the resident district ◦ For financial, educational, safety, or health condition affecting the student would likely be reasonably improved as a result of the transfer ◦ There is a special hardship or detrimental condition Due process framework for parent appeal
Virtual instruction fund ◦ All school districts must establish a virtual instruction fund Virtual instruction fund is for all moneys received for students enrolled in a virtual instruction program Expenses of a district attributable to virtual instruction offered by a district shall be paid from the virtual instruction fund Any balance remaining at the end of the budget year in the virtual instruction fund shall be carried over for succeeding budget years
Sunset language to repeal virtual charter language from current law Transition of the ORVSD to the Office of Virtual Instruction