Keep these things in mind
1) “Patient is the director, producer, story-teller, music director, actor of His Pattern and is the only one who can express his innermost pattern”.
3) –Listening: the essence of all technique. –Observation: The mother of all techniques.
Points to Remember In Passive Case Witnessing process
1) – Listen to the whole message. – Listen to the spirit of the conversation, not just the words.
3) – listen to what people are not directly saying. (Denial, Projection)
5) Does the facial expression/tone of voice of a person, you are communicating with, match with the verbal message he/she is putting across?
7) Listen for the Bit that Doesn’t Fit
Few Rules to Follow Before The Process of Case Witnessing Begins
Rule: 1 Your Patient is the actor, director, producer, writer and everything.
Rule: 2 Not to analyze and interpret any data from patient’s talk.
Rule: 3 What is, is!
Thee steps of case witnessing process Passive Active Active-active
In passive case witnessing process, we are allowing the natural flow of the case without altering it. Whole aim is to passively listen the verbal and non- verbal language of the patient.
Aim of Passive Case witnessing process
1) –Pay attention to verbal and non-verbal expressions which are, –Out of Place. –Out of order. –Out of flow. –Out of content. –Out of proportion. –Out of your Knowledge. –Out of patients knowledge.
Here you use your intellect to alter the flow of case in right direction. Based on Passive case witnessing process, you become active on points which patient is focusing knowingly or unknowingly.
This is the part of the case where you use different questions and techniques in order to find the clear focus of the patient in two three different areas not related to each other and in different time zone. If the focus is not clear then you can explore the sub-conscious areas of the patients and make the focus clear.
Following areas can be explored. Imaginations Dreams Fantasies Fears Nightmares Interests and hobbies
During Active Active Case Witnessing Process, physician plays the active role and doesn’t allow his patient to wander into any non- specific/conscious areas.
In Active and Active-Active case Witnessing, flow of case is change in one specific direction to understand complete altered pattern with natural language (source) of the substance he is going to receive.
This is done when you are 100% sure you have understood which verbal and non- verbal expressions are carrying the complete energy of the case and becoming the focus of the patient. When you have got the focus of the patient in two three different areas not related to each and in different time zone.
Aim of Active-active CWP
FOUR STEPS OF ACTIVE-ACTIVE –Active-active CWP –(Verbal and Non-verbal expressions gets connected in one patter/process) –Active-active CWP –(Complete pattern till the Source) –Active-Active CWP –(Till Awareness, till patient experience the sensation) –(Till Projection becomes awareness, Denials Becomes awareness.) –Active-Active CWP –(To ask about Characteristic Symptoms)
Law 1 ‘Lower the level/form of experience, more the time of case witnessing, more active and active-active case witnessing process, lower potency, more techniques of case witnessing process.
Law:2 ‘Higher the form of experience, lesser the time of case witnessing, lesser technique used, more passive case witnessing, less active case witnessing and more active-active case witnessing and higher the potency’.
Law 3 ‘Higher the form of experience, higher the potency and lower the form of experience, lower the potency’