European collaboration on research networking development update on TERENA activities Karel Vietsch TERENA CEO Spring 2002 Internet2 Member Meeting Arlington VA, 6 May 2002
What is TERENA? An association consisting of: the national research & education networks of 33 countries CERN, ESA 11 associate members (regional networks, industry)
What does TERENA do? The four pillars of TERENA: providing an environment for fostering new initiatives of the European research networking community e.g. pilot services supporting joint European work in developing, evaluating, testing, integrating and promoting new networking, middleware and application technologies through the TERENA Technical Programme task forces, projects, workshops/meetings supporting the exchange of information in the European research networking community, and promoting knowledge transfer to networking organisations in less favoured regions conferences/workshops, training promoting members’ interests by representing the common interests and opinions of the membership in contacts with relevant organisations
TERENA Technical Programme Collaboration between technical experts from the European research networking community (research & education networks, universities, research institutes, industry) to develop, test and promote new technologies Organised through ad-hoc meetings, task forces, projects Supported by the TERENA staff Current Special Interest Areas: Lower Layers (IPv6, MPLS, VPNs etc.) Quality of Service Videoconferencing and Streaming Content Delivery, Indexing and Searching Middleware Mobility
TERENA Technical Programme Lower Layer Technologies Task Force TF-NGN Includes work for GÉANT deliverables QoS (Premium IP, AF, over-provisioned networks, …..) Multicast IPv6 testing Flow-based monitoring, QoS monitoring Optical networking (possible international testbed) 6NET project Large-scale IPv6 testbed Involves > 30 partners, including national research networks
TERENA Technical Programme Videoconferencing and Streaming Task Force TF-STREAM Practical experiments with videoconferencing Best-practice recommendations Directory of videoconferencing services IP telephony Document best-practice Cookbook Interworking testing
TERENA Technical Programme Security Task Force TF-CSIRT Collaboration of CSIRTs (CERTs) in Europe Exchange of knowledge and experiences Incident Object Description Format Clearinghouse of incident handling tools Trusted Introducer service Training courses for new CSIRT staff members
TERENA Technical Programme Middleware Task Force TF-LSD Directories OpenLDAP Task Force TF-AACE Authentication and authorisation Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), Certification Authorities Information exchange and co-ordination between many national initiatives
Conferences and Workshops Workshops on topical issues European Middleware Workshop (June 2000) International Lambda Workshop (September 2001) Mobility Workshop (March 2002) …………. TERENA Networking Conference 2002 Limerick (Ireland), 3-6 June 2002 Middleware Grids IPv6 ………
TERENA Compendium Annual collection of information about national research and education networks History Legal form Number and types of institutions connected Number of students connected Core capacity of the network International connectivity Access capacities Network size Technologies used Staffing, funding Benchmarking