Radicals AM Radical expressions, simplify Radical expr., add/sub like radicals
Radicals Square root of five Cube root of 7 TThe three is called the index TThe seven is called the randicand The index here is An understood “2”
Perfect squares 1 2 =1 2 2 =4 3 2 =9 4 2 =16 5 2 =25 6 2 =36 7 2 =49 8 2 =64 9 2 =81 10 2 =100 11 2 =121 12 2 =144 13 2 =169 14 2 =196
Ex 1-2 Simplify 1) 2) If there are two Of a kind Bring it Out front as One number
Ex 3 Simplify 3) If there are two Of a kind Bring it Out front as One number Sq root of 9 Is 3
Ex 4 Simplify (short cut) 4) Square root of 16 is 4 Divide index (2) into exponents On variables. Leave left overs Under radical. 9/2 = 4 with 1 left over 6/2 = 3
Ex 5 Simplify (short cut) 5) Square root of 25 is 5 Divide index (2) into exponents On variables. Leave left overs Under radical. 11/2 = 5 with 1 left over 23/2 = 11 with 1 left over
Ex 8-9 Simplify 8) 9) If there are two Of a kind Bring it Out front as One number
Ex 6-7 Simplify (new rule) 6) Square root of 36 is 6 When taking sq Root of an even Exponent, you Should put your Answer in |abs value|