“Was Germany’s move to war in 1914 due to domestic or foreign political factors?”
Introduction Bismarck until 1888 Fairly successful economy, population, science, arts, etc (envy of the world) What went wrong? – Kaiser Wilhelm II
“The nations slithered over the brink into the boiling cauldron of war.“ (Edward Grey – British Foreign Secretary)
Presentation Overview
Weltpolitik FOREIGN POLITICAL FACTOR British postcard Aggressive foreign policy Expansionism – “A place in the sun” e.g. The Moroccan Crisis
Encirclement France and Britain threatened by Germany Militirisation Mutual Fear/Suspicion FOREIGN POLITICAL FACTOR
Large navy allows Germany to carry out Weltpolitik The Naval Race FOREIGN POLITICAL/ DOMESTIC FACTORS
The Alliance System FOREIGN POLITICAL FACTOR TRIPLE ALLIANCETRIPLE ENTENTE GermanyBritain Austria-HungaryFrance ItalyRussia
Assassination at Sarajevo, June 1914 FOREIGN POLITICAL FACTOR
Opportunity to create nationalism –war would unite German people Trying to prevent internal revolutions DOMESTIC POLITICAL FACTOR Nationalism